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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/16/2024 8:52 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11611
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Cody
Start Date/Time: 12/23/2024 7:00 am
End Date/Time: 12/23/2024 8:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Steve and Cody. We were talking about current needs for the adilas system. Here are some of my notes:

- Going over forms, accordions, modals (popup windows), client-side validation, ease of use, dashboards, custom homepages, buttons, containers, canvases and pallets (like an artist with paint - a pallet or possible colors and tools), asynchronous loading, preset pages that load certain things, sizing things, moving things around, etc.

- New custom homes... Imagine using the new drag and drop interface (what Cody is working on) and then be able to swap out our homepages (existing homepages) with new custom home pages (built by the users or as an industry specific skin or white label). Eventually you could do lower-level pages as well. Think full custom... for the whole system.

- Getting Chuck involved, right off the bat. Chuck is the frontend designer. Responsive design (phones, tablets, and other devices).

- Where we are heading... not just a new label builder, we are building packaging, designs, full layouts, etc. Steve was saying that if we offer a custom and internal solution, we could potentially help with overcoming minimums on custom design layouts and print projects. Almost like a print shop. Making dynamic graphics. Making packaging with the correct information right on it, just making as many as needed. Basically, you could skip the full packaging and then adding a label on top of that. If people want to print other things... then let's talk about it. This could be making gift cards, employee cards, custom packaging, 3D printing, etc. Not just for labels, it could be for more.

- Light looking at sheets and sheet labels. We want to launch an MVP (minimal viable product) and then sort of tease them (our clients) going forward. help them catch and see the vision. If you can give our clients a vision of one, they can see the possibilities of doing thousands.

- It's all about efficiency, ease of use, helping them get into the correct direction. We talked about galleries and ways to add the data (whatever that is) to the different things or places. Almost a bunch of options and pick and choose what you want and how you want to organize your data.

- I will have the responsibility of hooking up both Chuck and Cody. Letting them get together to go over some gui (ui/ux) stuff (graphical user interface or user experience stuff).

- Steve was talking about how so many people have tons and tons of photos and helping them organize them (in bulk). This was just an idea. It's just data and some management type things. Maybe some bulk galleries with notes, flags, tags, and ways to organize things. It's all just data... print it, organize it, share it, etc. More talk on flagging and tagging items.

I thought that it was a great meeting. Steve and Cody were having fun and doing some great brainstorming stuff. I was chiming in every once in a while, but it was mostly Steve and Cody. Super fun!