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new_drag_and_drop_features_by_cody_12_11_24.webm | Video | 12/11/2024 |
This was a recorded demo by Cody Apedaile, showing some new drag and drop functionality inside of adilas. We went over the new check write and check print settings. We then flipped over and did a small preview of the adilas label builder (v3 or version 3), and the custom homepage or build your own interface page. The build your own interface page is a small subset of the fracture or adilas lite stuff. Pretty cool!
first 15 minutes - new check write settings from 15-33 minutes - adilas label builder version 3 from 33-52 minutes - custom homepage layouts (fracture stuff) |
Fun new tools and toys demo. We had Cody, Shari O., Bryan, and I on the meeting. We went through the new check write settings first. After that, we got into the other main projects that Cody is working on. We spent some good time going over the new adilas label builder (v3) and the new custom homepage layout tool (fracture/adilas lite stuff). Check out the attached video, if you want to see things. It's about 52 minutes. After the meeting, Cody and I pushed up some new changes and did some light testing. |