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Meeting with Gene Spaulding. Went into town and had some pizza, did some catch up, talked shop. Great lunch meeting. We talked about all kinds of stuff including investment options for software, buyout of adilas ownership (Steve and I), HOA's (homeowners association), other local computer and tech companies, and making choices. Fun side note. Gene was a commercial banker after college. He was the banker that helped me get a small business loan to work on the Learn To Freeride project back in 2005/2006. Learn To Freeride was basically an app before apps were cool and popular. It was for learning how to do snowboarding freestyle tricks and moves. That was one of my old projects. Fun little flashback. Just for fun... Here is a .zip file of the LTF Volume 1 product. It is about 640 MB but kinda fun. Enjoy! |