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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/13/2024 2:18 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11317
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Steve
Start Date/Time: 8/15/2024 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/15/2024 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Steve. Some of these are random notes as we were jumping from subject to subject. That's how we roll. It's kinda fun.

- Tracking a lot of stuff (that's what people need). Some will, some won't, next. It may sound harsh, but we kinda need to approach things with that attitude. Some people will play... and some people won't play along. We will help those will let us and keeping looking for those types of clients.

- We are chasing so many things. Lots of opportunity and we have already built tons of stuff. Some of it was/is still flapping in the wind. We are picking up the pieces that we can.

- The sales process just takes time.

- Talking about some new settings on subs (child inventory or sub inventory packages). One of them is automatically taking inventory from or out of the next sub (auto open the next one, if needed).

- Taking about the new settings and the look and feel that we did for the mini scan cart. Horizontal form with accordion type sub sections.

- Every one of these companies have different business practices - so many variables.

- There are already some bulk tools to close sub packages.

- Talking about what the clients want to gain by using our platform.

- We (meaning adilas and our clients) are making decisions about who we are (we keep it pretty tight vs super loosie goosy).

- Light talks about MVP options. Minimal viable product, plan, person, etc.

- Talking about investments and/or investments. There is a need for a plan and being and staying efficient (efficiency) for this money that gets invested. Stick to the plan and make it happen. We are in a paradox - having money or having clients with needs.

- One of our problems (internally is) one-liners... - We give out a project based on a one-liner... It really needs more planning, requirements, timelines, budgets, project management, planning, scheduled reviews, etc. Some of our developers can handle the one-liner project name and run with it and others keep falling off the wagon and we have to pick up the pieces. Sadly, it comes down to processes and documentation. We really need more of this. We are just so busy... we have to find the time and make it priority.

- We have pieces that are obsolete (older or not being used), at the time they were make it or break it situations for our customers or potential clients. At some point we need to do some sweeping of the floor and clean-up spots where we have just replicated code over and over again. There will end up being some projects just to help with moving of functions, pages, and other efficiency stuff.

- Changes in the technology cycles and what is available and required. We were talking about Adobe and other companies.

- This was for me, sometimes I wish that I could live on a virtual island and just build the stuff that we want and need (uninterrupted time). Imagine, what would that be like without all of the crazy hustle and bustle, demands, and requirements. That sounds great, but if you fully bail out, you will miss the boat. You almost have to stay in the trenches.

- We can really help multi-locations stores that need our functionality. This is kinda funny, but we have to dumb down the frontend because we have a super deep backend. Other companies have a slick frontend but don't have a deep backend level.

- We are trying to do real-time problem solving.

- ROI (return on investment)

- We were reviewing some of our older projects... the adilas label builder, changes to sub inventory, discount engine, etc. We cycle through version after version. Eventually, we have to re-do things (with a plan or the right person in place).

- Our clients are just expecting us to do their research and maintenance for them. Ideally, we need to off-load some of that back on to the clients.

- We are almost like a sponge (they just throw things at us) and we take it.

- We are seeing more and more clients that really need enterprise level pieces.

- There also seems to be a trend dealing with crazy levels and needs out in ecommerce land. You need good inventory control in order to sell online and do special functions.

- People don't even know what we have (backorders, etc.).

- Education and maintenance - those two are topics that run deep and really go hand-in-hand. A long time ago, I heard that good education and maintenance are sometimes better than new features. That is so true... however, it is easy to get lost in the whirlwind of new features. Education and maintenance are a huge key to sustained success.

- Going over possible disconnects between hardware/software/middleware/etc. For example: We have a client that bought a new deli scale that prints out barcodes and custom labels. Then, they, our clients, just expect it work. So many variables... we just have to real-time problem solve. Getting everything to work together can be a challenge. In a way, we are consultants for our clients - what do you need to do for your business.

At the end of the meeting, we did a small work session to build out some new settings for sub inventory rules. Steve and I were working together. Half building, half training type session. Good stuff. We modified about 5 pages including a new default page, the setting page, the action page, and a couple of pages that help push the settings into the session scope (stored login and settings per user).

ToDo: On sub inventory... we would like to add part_id, part_category_id, and sub_inventory_attribute_id to be recorded per sub inventory record - that would be super cool and could really help speed things up. Future project to circle back around on... eventually :)