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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/1/2024 8:49 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11289
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Steve and Cody
Start Date/Time: 8/2/2024 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/2/2024 11:30 am
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Sample screenshot of the label homepage. This is just for testing. It will look more like the rest of the system, just a starting point. There will be a button at the top to help create a new label. There will also be search feature for the labels.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Blank canvas - create new label with some of the label options open. You can name it, set it's application type, size, zoom, etc.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Screenshot of the label builder with side panel details and navigation. Each new element will have its own accordion-type interface (collapsible panels) where details will be inputted and tracked.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Small screenshot showing how we are going to be handling dynamics and data driven labels. This is just a small sample for customers. This particular label is setup with a black background and white text. Just messing around.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This screenshot is showing a fake label with all kinds of different elements. text boxes, squares or boxes, QR codes, images, barcodes, etc. Each canvas or label element has its own controller type interface on the right side.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Quick screenshot of a view or print type layout. This is basically a translated view of the element settings, any dynamics, and then rendered onto one or more Java Script canvases.


Meeting with Cody. He was showing me new mouse wheel zoom features, keyboard input (+ key, - key, and arrow keys), app types (like customer or parts), scroll (space bar drag or translating), find and replace dynamics, etc. took a bunch of screenshots. See attached. We then started talking about small to do list items and small tweaks that we can add. Talking about other needs for the adilas label builder (version 3 or v3).

Steve joined us. Intro between Steve and Cody. We were generally talking about interfaces and custom drawing needs (restaurants, campgrounds, warehouses, custom interfaces) - being able to draw the interfaces and then wire them up (links, buttons, searches, filters, actions, etc.). Tons of other needs out in ecommerce and throughout the whole system for more JavaScript type needs.

We, Cody and I, did a demo of the new v3 adilas label builder. I did a small demo and pitched a few things based on my screenshots. Then Cody did a version of the demo (live playing with the objects). Light back and forth and talking about features, advantages, and benefits of the new design.

Switched over to a request email from a client and how to help with those pieces (changes and new development). This is for the frozen yogurt place. We talked about locking down the POS (point of sale system), showing saved carts (mini queue for saved quotes/orders), simple customer interactions (search by phone number or enter as a new customer), show loyalty points, and showing what is in the cart (second customer facing screen). Lots of ideas.

After that, I showed a demo of the new discount homepage and where things are at there. We talked about plans and what not. We are going to build out the simple pages for the cart and then keep working on the discount stuff. Making progress.

Steve had to bailout to get on a demo with a client. Cody and I setup some times to work together next week on integrating the new label builder into adilas. Great meeting.