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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/17/2024 5:09 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11262
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Steve and Suzi
Start Date/Time: 7/19/2024 8:00 am
End Date/Time: 7/19/2024 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Zoom meeting with the Yogen Fruz folks from Canada. Suzi and Steve were leading out on the meeting. Here are some of my notes... kinda random:

- They (the Yogen Fruz folks) want one stable platform used among all of their brands. Something that will lead them into the future. Reports in real-time, real-time analysis, data mining, deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole (big data wants and needs).

- They want to get a better picture and more control on the inventory control level.

- Accounting and operations (mixed) - they need to track flavors, add-in's, waste, accurate food costs, etc.

- Breaking things down into smaller and smaller pieces - more control and knowing where they are at financially. Basically, empower the users to see what is really happening.

- Being able to pull the data out of the system and support people.

- They had Phillip, Josh, and George on the meeting. Another lady was on for a bit but had to jump off.

- They wanted to see the fruits of their labors - they had given us some instructions and wanted to see where they (we) are at. Phillip was mostly leading the charge and asking the questions. He seemed very sharp and fun.

- They wanted to know about the clover payment integration system - progress, rates, and cash back amounts. Steve was talking about tokenized transactions vs raw data transactions. Also, they were talking about the need for breaking and re-establishing connections every couple of hours (automation stuff). Light history and evolution on some of the old and new payment options (merchant processing).

- Switched over to bulk product labels. They were worried about permission levels. They wanted to possibly have special labels that would dissolve in water. They may look at normal options if the cost is too high or only a certain label printer is able to handle that kind of label.

- They turned the meeting over to Suzi for a bit. She was showing them new settings within the cart. Went over a bunch of new things.

- Taking ideas that work for others and then using those ideas - shameless borrowing of ideas.

- Fulfilment options - fill in based on settings - timing - etc. Steve chimed in and had lots of info. He has helped and built a couple versions of the fulfillment homepage within adilas. That was pretty cool!

- Print and label settings from the cart - speeding things up. We may need to add some more settings to help with less clicks and automation options.

- Reporting - They are really looking for real-time data - top 5 products, top 10 products sold, etc. All at the click of a button.

- BI stuff (business intelligence) - projections and real-time data - even multi corp - enterprise level needs

- Steve was talking about paperless options and pitching other adilas backend office features.

- Steve built a special report for them while they were on the demo. He was talking about favorites and custom reports. So much power already exists.

- Limited time offers - LTO's - they want to track some of those things. It was important to them. We don't fully know what those are but they seemed to think that some of our existing functionality would work great for them. Somewhat unknown to us...

- The searchability of adilas - so many options to help you get a good flavor and taste of what is really going on.

- I got to show a few things - multi-level reporting. I jumped into some existing accounts and did a quick demo of a few things.

- Small talks about hardware and converting things from one system to another - switching things over

- Towards the end, they were talking about next steps - other meetings, changes, live testing on hardware, and SOP's (standard operating procedures).

- After the main meeting, Steve and I were going over some code stuff. Small tech talk stuff. Light re-camp and team meeting with the adilas folks. Suzi and Josh stayed on for a bit after everybody else left. Great meeting.