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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/27/2024 4:45 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11203
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meetings and phone calls
Start Date/Time: 7/11/2024 7:00 am
End Date/Time: 7/11/2024 9:00 am
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
PG_BusinessFunctions.docx   Doc/Text 7/11/2024 Working on bullet points for Business Function section in the Presentation Gallery.


Meeting with Shannon. Talking about happenings (catching up on things) and making some plans.

Got a phone call from Wayne. We were talking about what we know dealing with the hack attempts on data 0. One of our plans is going to be moving to a new version of ColdFusion (2023). Trying to close every door possible. Wayne has some outbound logs from the server that we need to review. We may need to get a lawyer involved, if needed. I told Wayne that I would give Steve a call and figure out a plan on that side. We talked about maintenance and how we have to put out fires and grease the squeaky wheels. Some of the other stuff stays undone. There is too much to keep it all up. All part of the game. We also noted that Hostek (the hosting company) is being a little slower on their responses. Looking ahead, we know that we need to fix and work on some labels stuff, need to fix older barcode and QR code libraries, Wayne has a new solution in mind, replace the older BBQ and iText (java libraries). When ready, we will be pulling reports with dates/times, corps, customers that may have been affected by the hack attempt on the data 0 server.

Phone call with Steve. Going over hack attempts and course of action. Steve was telling me about hacks on huge companies like Netflix, Target, Apple, etc - everybody is being compromised. Dealing with credit card transactions, we are heading more and more towards a tokenization approach of data transmissions vs real data being passed back and forth. Steve said that a bank person (person in charge of fraud at a bank he goes to) said that they, the bank, re-issue 90-150 new credit cards a month, due to fraud. This was a small local bank. It's happening all over the place (hack attempts). We will work with Wayne and see what the window of time is that is in question. It's only on data 0. Our plan is to only notify those people/clients that may have been compromised (data stuff). I will get with Shari O. and get her involved to help send a note out. I'm also supposed to get some info from Wayne (tech stuff) about what we know and what that window looks like.

For me - Shannon and I were talking about a book called "Rhinoceros Success" by Scott Alexander. Taking small bits of wisdom from the rhino book - keep charging - damn the torpedoes! As a side note, one of the chapters in the book is called "Damn The Torpedoes" meaning that people are going to be shooting torpedoes at you all the time. Grow some thick skin and keep charging!