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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/19/2023 8:47 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10252
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with friends for breakfast
Start Date/Time: 6/19/2023 8:00 am
End Date/Time: 6/19/2023 9:30 am
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Questions that I was going to ask Sharik and Cheryl Peck - We talked about a bunch of this, just not in this order. Page 1 of 5.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Notes on education, affiliate programs, and sharing vision and passion for your products and services. Page 2 of 5.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Putting your trust in God and trying to do His will and how that helps in business. Gaining and passing on knowledge and being a benefit to the whole world. Page 3 of 5.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Advice on public speaking, events, and seeking good help/employees. Page 4 of 5.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Creating small recipes or preset groups (packages) for your customers/clients. Info on doing your own product conferences and what you gain from that - including intangibles. Page 5 of 5.


Meeting with Sharik Peck and his wife Cheryl Peck. They own and operate Maximum Function Physical Therapy and a company called Rezzimax (managing pain and stress through tuned/calibrated vibration therapy). I've known the Pecks for years and I wanted to get some ideas and info on entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, and basic advice for business. They served up a might big helping...

We met at the bagel shop in Smithfield and chatted for about an hour and a half. Great meeting. See attached for some scribbled notes. We talked about a number of fun topics. Here are some of my notes:

- One of the first things that Cheryl said was - pay your tithing. We talked about tithing and making generous contributions (oferings) to God and church. Pay more than you think you can. You can't out do God's blessings.

- Turn your existing customer base into your brand or product ambassadors. They know it, use it, and hopefully love it. Use that momentum. Help to educate them so that they can pass it along. It's totally worth spending time and money on this group. Incentivize them with products, education, and other money or perks. In a way, try to duplicate yourself. Sharik really spent some time talking about this. It seems to be a big key and a great group where you can focus both energy and efforts.

- Your product should have a tiered structure with incentives and other benefits. We talked about entry level, basic certifications or cert levels, and ambassadors or torchbearer levels. If they are excited about your product or service, they will tell others.

- Promote your success stories - use testimonials, small videos, word of mouth, and natural networking.

- Don't try to sell - just share the possible - It's ok if the purchase is delayed a bit - they may circle back around and really want what you have to offer. Let them want it and seek after it.

- Financial takes care of itself - help people and help the world.

- God and an abundant model - put your trust in God, be willing to do His will. A mindset change and then let God take over. Don't try to limit God.

- Knowledge - share, share, share - if you died and didn't share, that would be tragic - knowledge not shared is knowledge not gained (I don't know who said that, but it was a quote from someone).

- My job - leave as many people with understanding of what I know before leaving this world

- We talked about public speaking and asking to speak at events. Getting the word out - from the source. Not every speaking gig is the right fit. Know when to walk.

- From Jeff Young - 2 things about employees. Give it a 3-month trial period. If it is right, you will be happy and will gladly write that check (virtually everyday).

- Recipes and allowing those recipes (with their ingredients or pieces) to be modified. Some sort of starting point and/or package. It could always be tweaked, but it is at least a good starting point to build off of.

- Sometimes your biggest critics can be your best promoters and biggest fans.

- Ideas on doing your own conferences and putting on your own events. For their company, the highest level of cert requires an in-person training event. Getting everybody together in one place is huge. Record it and then use that content. That is worth a ton and there are a number of intangible benefits as well.

- Flexibility - physically and mentally - being flexible and allowing for growth.

We had a great meeting and I learned a ton. See my notes for a few other things that I didn't write down here. Great way to spend the morning!