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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/13/2023 1:08 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 10237
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: The tech stack matters
Start Date: 6/12/2023
Main Status: Active

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I met a friend and his wife for dessert. My wife was with me as well. My buddy is a high-end developer in the Salt Lake City area. I was telling him all about our plans to build out ship B (adilas lite or fracture). We had a great conversation, and he was a great sounding board. He was praising us, the current team, for making it happen and supporting our families for years and years.

One of my biggest takeaways from our meeting was dealing with the tech stack. Basically, what servers and technologies are you built on? Or how did you develop and deploy your code? What backend servers and frontend frameworks are you standing on? We talked about legacy systems, pros and cons, and quite a bit about perception (what people think - right off the bat). He kept saying that "the tech stack matters". Meaning, investors and others may have a say in what technologies are being used and developed. He didn't have one specifically that he recommended, but we did chat about a few options.

He was also asking questions about, maintenance, technical debt, dependencies, libraries, and who is going to build it, maintain it, and improve upon it? Great questions. He was basically recommending that we widen that piece as much as possible, especially if we are building from the ground up. Prep the field and make it as future proof as possible. Great ideas.