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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/29/2023 12:31 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10187
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Planning with Aspen
Start Date/Time: 6/22/2023 2:45 pm
End Date/Time: 6/22/2023 5:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Before my meeting with Aspen, I was still on the meeting with Byan. We took the last 15 minutes and talked about possible ways of modifying ship A into what we want for ship B. Bryan may explore that a little bit to see what that might take. I authorized him to spend 10 or so hours checking things out. He may also look into using a mix of React and ColdFusion. More R&D stuff.

Meeting with Aspen and going over notes from Alan and I's meeting from yesterday - see element of time #10267. Defining and explaining some the notes and ideas. I was doing some drawings, using my hands to explain things, and took a few more general notes. These are things dealing with fracture or adilas lite - where we are headed.

- On the size and pricing matrix, we need to include file storage (photos, scans, images, media/content, and general files). We also need to include database size (how much we are storing).

- On the choose corp page, be able to set the default corporation right from there.

- Look into modern payment solutions such as Google pay, PayPal, Venmo, apple pay, etc. We already do some of that, just make it even smoother.

- Aspen was pitching the adilas portal vs the adilas cafe - naming convention. She liked the word or phrase portal better.

- Education will be a huge part of the marketing and sales. We need to include it from the get go. This may be a person who has to be hired just to do that role. Some of our developers may not fit that mode correctly.

- Aspen's comments on education - We need to pitch education as optimizing the system to be more accessible.

- There is a need for market research and test runs.

- As we were reviewing the document and notes from yesterday, we came across one that talked about simple tax info for small users. That would be really cool if we could help people out and put all of the simple tax info in one place for them. Make it super easy and convenient.

- Along with the taxes stuff, we may want to add more tax and payroll forms to the current system. Make paperwork as easy as possible.

- AI (artificial intelligence) - What do you want to do? What do you want to see? What do you want to track? There are tons of other things that we could let people ask or do. Help them out and even tie in some of this the industry specific skins. Aspen and I were talking about AI a little bit.

- Aggregates and sums, counts, averages, totals, mins, and maxes - Almost a reverse or reversing the direction of the reports and gathering the information. Now that we know where and what we want, let's build that in from the get go. Also, this is for me... If there is a discrepancy, I really want a tool that will help rebuild those aggregated reports and aggregate values. I'd like to automate as much as we can, but if needed, we will have and/or provide manual recalc tools. That's important to me.

- A.D.I.L.A.S. - All data is live and searchable - What does that really mean? "All data", that means that we catch and store it all (the whole system and all of the parts and pieces). That's a pretty bold statement. We love it! "Is live", that means that we allow you to look, retrieve, view, and interact with your data based on permissions and settings. It is a living application, not just a digital archive tool. It's alive. The more you give it (virtually feeding it) the more you will get back (business intelligence and decision helping information). "And searchable", full visibility and full searchability. Every history, every detail, every record, every supporting piece or pieces. Filters, sorts, exports, save as options, you name it. It's your data, we just help you organize it, store it, retrieve it, and secure it.

- Above, is a light overview of what the name adilas can and does mean to us and to our clients. As a fun side note, the actual name "adilas" was proposed by Steve Berkenkotter, at a lunch meeting in the small mountain town of Salida, Colorado. If you look at adilas, it is Salida spelled backwards. The first nine years of the adilas business existence, the primary co-founders and partners lived in Salida, Colorado. Sort of a fun little fact.

- Aspen and I were talking... Are we too detailed (meaning our planning). Do we need to zoom out? That is a great question. It is very easy to get pulled in to the nitty-gritty details and happenings.

- Dealing with zooming out - Aspen asked me what my top few priorities would be right now - without any planning - This is a small list that we came up with. See element of time # 10270 for a small list of current priorities. After we made the list, we then talked about how each one related to the others on the list. That was a fun exercise.

- The first goal, we need to centralize the data. Make sure and catch all of the pieces. Once we have that, we can then worry about how it looks and how to get the data out or back out of the system.