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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/29/2023 12:31 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10181
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Planning with Alan
Start Date/Time: 6/29/2023 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 6/29/2023 4:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Before Alan jumped on, I was working with my sister on some ideas for a simple store front or consignment type ecommerce site. She has a bunch of products (hand built crafts and stuff) that I would like to help her sell using the adilas marketplace (future project or future business idea - planning for fracture and adilas lite).

Meeting with Alan over the GoToMeeting session. We started out and I was reporting on a few entries from yesterday. We reviewed what I learned in the Adobe ColdFusion Training Event (# 10256). Went over the scanned notes that I took. We also talked about the virtual obstacle course that we would like to build to test some of our ideas and prototypes (# 10294). Fun little review.

Next, we switched over to what Alan has been working on and playing with. Lots of fun learning and prototyping. Alan spent some time playing with REST API's and GraphQL options. He was really excited about certain parts of the GraphQL stuff that he was learning. Limiting data that is sent back to the users and making things easier on the servers.

Here are a few of my notes from our meeting:

- Alan was playing with GraphQL, Node JS server, Apollo, Prima, and other tools and features.

- Lots of queries, mutations (things or code that alters the raw queries), resolvers, and subscriptions (observer/subscriber type models).

- Small demo on what Alan learned from playing with GraphQL. This included unique ids, JSON web tokens, tons of files and folders (dummy setup files to put the pieces in place and then you go in and build them out - sort of a prebuilt file/folder structure for your app).

- Looking into web sockets and options to push/pull data - going through those web socket options.

- More talk about API endpoints, automation of the documentation, layers, transactions, locks based on transactions (with full rollback if needed), and throttling API endpoints.

- Tons of other topics such as: NoSQL databases, document stores, relational databases, query caching, ORM models (either object-relational mapping or object-role model), properties, tables, access layers, database updates, etc.

- We talked about using REST API's and having our bigger pieces maybe even broken down into smaller pieces. For example, instead of just having a folder for invoices. We may want something like: invoices/single, invoices/multi, invoices/search, invoices/export, etc. Basically, sub sections within the main invoice player group. We have 12 main application player groups. Each one does stull individually, as a group or a whole, and other sub functions. Maybe think along those lines.

- Spent some time going over security options, JSON web tokens, allowing servers to change the data but the browsers can't change the data. Frontend security, backend security, Node JS, Adobe ColdFusion, and options for both sides of the fence.

- Good meeting with some good research and R&D stuff. Good job Alan!