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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/17/2023 10:46 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10142
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Professional Development Training - Internal Team
Start Date/Time: 5/25/2023 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 5/25/2023 12:45 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Quick screenshot of some of the guys during the training event. Just for fun!

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (3)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
internal_training_section_3_on_5_25_23.webm   Video 5/25/2023 Session 3 - Sign-off guides and wrap-up - 18 minutes.
internal_training_section_2_on_5_25_23.webm   Video 5/25/2023 Session 2 - Practice session using the adilas docs - 48 minutes. As a note, this one does have some down time (nothing going on) as it was being recorded while we were all practicing..
internal_training_section_1_on_5_25_23.webm   Video 5/25/2023 Session 1 - Intro to the adilas docs - 28 minutes


Great internal training event. John was running the show today. We had Brandon, John, Danny, Eric, Alan, Dustin, and Bryan on the meeting with us. We were going over the adilas docs (online style guide and code snippets), light review, going over conventions, components, and other style guide stuff. John was encouraging the developers to use the docs and play around with things. As a side note, John has also started some adilas server docs (major backend stuff) as well.

Lots of good discussions. Topics ranged from docker stuff, older code, bootstrap versions, and sign-off guides for development and frontend GUI stuff (GUI is for graphical user interfaces or UI/UX user interfaces and user experiences). We had some good practice sessions and John had prepped some code with some flags where he wanted us to work and change things.

It was great for all of the guys to be on the meeting. I did snap a screenshot of some of the webcams (see attached). We talked about using data 0 as the starting point or standard for a number of things. Especially if we wanted to duplicate and/or use the same things over and over again. The conversation then led over to talking about the future and where we are heading. We spent some time talking about the new framework and being able to swap out dependencies and what not.

One of the last things for the normal training session was a discussion about requests for future training and crossover training. Here is the quick list, not in any specific order.

Future Training Session Ideas
- Cfscript
- Javascript/JQuery
- Back End (Models, Services, DAOs)
- API's - Internal API sockets and external API sockets
- Ajax
- Testing
- Custom CSS & Print CSS

After everybody else left, John and I did a small review of the training session. We were chatting about options and feedback. John and I may start with some CSS and theme stuff (planning for the future). See attached for 3 different videos that we did from the training session. Great event.