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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/19/2023 2:55 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 10061
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Working on advanced item search settings
Start Date/Time: 4/20/2023 2:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/20/2023 5:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Light brainstorming on ideas and questions for SG&A costs. See notes below:

After the meeting – ideas and questions:

- I think that we need to be one day after the fact. That way we know how much there is to distribute and how much was sold. We could work with real fixed numbers. If you try to do the whole thing real-time, you may end up with too many variables. If it is allowed, going one day back would help solidify that and/or those values (what was sold, from what category, from what sub package, from what parent, etc.).

- Technically, you could do some of this SG&A stuff right now by using PO's to populate virtual SG&A inventory items (subs would be best to control costs and help each bill get whittled down to nothing). Waiting until the day is done (we have firm sales and values). And then going to each invoice and attaching SG&A items (as many as needed) to each invoice. They would be hidden line items with no price, no tax liability, but just costs and quantities.

- If you used $0 price hidden line items, the inventory levels would be exact, each invoice would carry it's own SG&A costs, you could tweak anything that you want (add or subtract), and it would already show-up in all of the existing reports.

- Question – It would be easier to tie it (SG&A costs) to an invoice vs a single item on an invoice. Is that allowed? Or does it have to be tied to individual items specifically?

- If you had a bulk tool that took yesterdays sales, did the math, showed what the system could do automatically, allow for any tweaks (show local math and JavaScript stuff), and then do it – bulk update all invoices for a certain day. That could be pretty cool.

- I'm curious on the math… how do you get the sums and counts, how do you disperse it, track it, and show the full path and/or pattern of what went where and why?

- I honestly don't know how deep we need to go. It would be awesome if we only had to go to the invoice level. If we have to go to the sub level, we may want to create a new one-to-many off of the sub where we can keep track of the aging and SG&A sub costs that happen over time. Think of each sub package as a place to hold certain values over time. If we get a package in and sell out it really quickly, not much if anything will be there. If we hold on to that same package for a long time, it will have a number of sub entries hung or stuck to it.


After brainstorming a bit, I got back into some other older projects. On a call with Cory. She needed me to un-void a PO for a client on data 9. We normally don't do that. Working on the advanced part/item search layout settings. Started working on the actual settings page and doing some light testing.