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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 8/5/2013 6:01 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 400
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 2/17/2011
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Not everything that gets recorded needs to be printable – what about practice, draft or concept notes.
-We need an option to add up to five levels deep for an outline. This outline needs to be able to form in html and automatically in the flash player (sub nav panel). Be able to edit on single and bulk levels.
-On post-it note: Five level outline (html and Flash nav) progress reports: training (goes under documents, outlines or content), tests, quizzes, evaluations, locked (recruit help), sharing and submitting content, credits (sphere – inside the sphere), chaining things together, songs and shuffles like LTF, FTP upload of assets.
-As a note on the outline – maybe use a table with 10 columns. Use two columns for each level. Column 1 would be the number or bullet point. Column 2 would have the title, date, etc.
-We need to be able to tie assets to outlines and/or subs. This is full on content management. Be able to upload and story assets so that it doesn’t impact the main adilas site or traffic.
-What about progress reports. This could be for tasks, to do lists, documents, students, customers, etc.
-What I’m seeing is eventually all of this data needs to be able to fly around via web services. We want it to get to the level of … “your data, you cache and retrieve it, we secure it.” Super open interface. This could even allow outside developers to tie in to adilas functionality to create a hybrid super solution.
-Sphere – once you are in the “data” sphere you can virtually go anywhere at any time. Other words or names: data sphere, data bull, data globe, data bubble, data orb, data orbit, realm. (This could create a fun visual. The sphere or space could continue to grow to whatever level.) (Business data sphere.)
-Training may fit best as an element of time similar to a document, outline or idea. Media assets and contents could them be tied to subs. Think of an interactive outline that has subs and dynamic content. That becomes the training as it is organized and then sent to a player to help interact with the user.
-What about tests, quizzes, and evaluations being tied to education and training pieces. This is not required and would be a possible option.
-Allow the doors to be open to recruit or enlist help, content and suggestions from others. Provide the path so that others may help. This is a way to duplicate yourself. Share the load.
-Maybe have a show/hide status for items still in edit mode. It might also be cool if you could lock things down at some point or only allow growth or actions on certain pieces.
-What if we created system-maintained time elements and then became the watchers. I’m not saying everything, but what it we wrapped all existing objects and data inside of adilas and allowed them to play or be counted in their own time element.
-Dealing with content, media and/or assets. What about having or allowing a place for credits – this is the who behind the pieces. This may help to motivate people and even drive business to certain players.
-We need to stitch, sew, chain and link things together. This could be physical, virtual or based on a relationship model. 1-many - The whole system is a series of 1-many (one to many) relationships.
-Random idea – inside of LTF we have a music jukebox or iPod; it might be fun to allow others to be able to change music or have some fun with different tones or modes. This could be music, sounds, different tracks, different people, additional commentary, etc. Sound and music are a big part of learning.
-Instruction could also be a form of meditation or visualizing certain things. Maybe calm backgrounds with someone talking or taking you through steps…