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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 12/15/2015 4:51 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3811
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 4/15/2015
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-I woke up this morning thinking about how to use time and space as a virtual wrapper inside of adilas. What if it were possible to skip the main element of time and access directly the subs of time or sub functions of time? That would be awesome!

So I’m thinking that subs of time or sub functions of time may be able to be accessed via direct connections without going through a main host or main element of time. Here is how that would work…
- All of the subs or subs of time (functions) would be native to elements of time. The word native means, they reside there and there is a natural connection between a main time element and its subs. Normal one-to-many relationship. Using a time_id number to make the connection.
- If you add a couple more fields to the subs, they could be connected to any other table, sub table, main id, or app type. These are fields like: app type id, main id, main table name, and sub id. See entry on 10/2/14 for more info on connectors.
- If you add more connectors to the subs, you could buddy up or make pieces by cousins (not directly connected but close – like cousins). So, instead of a perfect one-to-many relationship based on a time id number (native or ideal) you could still connect things like cousins, step children, foster children, or even adoption processes.
- How do families connect? They can be native or natural or they can be a mixed bag – meaning different options that work for the parties involved. Families and relationships can be many different flavors. That is okay and allows for diversity. That is awesome!
- If we did allow subs of time (sub functions like sub phases, sub locations, sub dates & time, sub comments, sub reminders, sub GPS & RFID tag tracking, sub payroll, etc.) to connect to other pieces… We could make time and space even more transparent. The relationships between the items and elements becomes the wrapper and keeps things together. Interesting twist on how it is the characters and their relationships that connect and hold things together.
- If you could hold the individual items or characters accountable for the relationships that are made… Then you could still have order among somewhat randomness. I wonder if God does that? He allows us to connect and form all kinds of different relationships and then expects and accounting of those connections and relationships – both good and bad. Basically, a return and report type of a system.
- Anyway, I love the idea of having both native and natural connections and relationships as well as allowing for other non-native or open relationships. Either way, they still need to show up for roll call and be held accountable according to the relationship and circumstances. Kind of like God opening up the gospel to the gentiles. Maybe we need to open up subs of time to all players. These new relationships will bind and make the other characters or players even stronger. I love it!
- Tell, show, make, and connect the story. Weld, bind, and connect persons, places, and things together. All data is live and searchable!

-Some of the request from the client demo were… Bigger web text field or description area. Options for video or custom values, ability to change font color and sizes, admin settings for banners, links, images, and sliders.
-They (the client) also requested sub categories for parts and items. They also thought it might be cool to have a place to show reviews, other products, and/or add-on’s.
-The other big request was calculated shipping and automating things like that.