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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 4/14/2015 3:14 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3758
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 3/26/2015
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

• Went in to Bridgerland to meet and work with my guys. I did some prep work and drew a full page diagram that showed the existing eCommerce and shopping cart interface. It was kind of fast and kind of rough but I got it done. As a note, way back, we decided that a just in time map and navigation process would be really cool. Instead of drawing tons and tons of lines all over the place… it would be cool to show progression and options based on scenarios. That would be cool. Sadly, this quick graphic was not like that, but at least it helped.
• Anyway, we had a group meeting and brainstorming session. We had 8 of us there. We drew on the whiteboard and all of the guys participated. Fun meeting. Lots of vision and potential.
• We talked about new changes, deadlines, eCommerce, how eCommerce is so powerful when connected to the whole operations and accounting side of the equation. We talked about black boxes, concepts, shells, skins, web hosting, domains, sub domains, and API socket integration. The guys were pretty in to it and were catching the vision.
• After the meeting, I worked with an intern on data imports and migration. I also worked with one of the interns on saving report settings and another on his copy and paste project to help with documentation. Worked with another intern on World Building and splitting out databases.
• Went over to the Cache Business Resource Center to meet with a gentleman. We chatted and he asked some questions about our product and what we offer. I drew some sketches and we chatted. He then offered us to use the CBRC (Cache Business Resource Center) for things we needed for adilas. He will be a good connection down the road.
• Went back to Bridgerland. Worked with two developers on their new eCommerce pieces. Talking with a developer about future plans and potential. The guys are excited.
• Another developer came over and we worked on Oregon state tax withholdings and tax stuff.
• On the phone with an intern. We did a GoToMeeting session and looked at his database migration code. It looked good. We decided that we needed to add a new field for customer SSN (social security numbers). We also need to encrypt that value for storage.