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Color Code: Pink
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 2/19/2015 10:30 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3561
Template/Type: Yearly Accomplishments
Title/Caption: 2009
Start Date: 1/1/2009
Main Status: Active

Photo/Image Count: 10
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

This is a list of things that happened and accomplishments made during the 2009 year on adilas. It was a great year with tons of great stuff. If you need more detail, just let me know. I have everything documented down to the date.

January 2009:
• Lots of balance sheet work. Payables, floorplan, inventory, receivables, and look-back reports.
• Added the user-maintained balance sheet photo gallery.
• Added the part number usage report.
• Posted the balance sheet files online. This was round 2 and the first balance sheet available to general users. Round 1 was back in 2008, very limited, with known holes.
• Added options to format the balance sheet in to a traditional format for printing.
• Added state income tax settings for Arkansas.

February 2009:
• Allowed invoice notes (printable and internal) to be searchable.
• Added pagination (next photo) on the big photos in the gallery.
• Added the reoccurring invoice section.
• Added the printer friendly invoice (capable of showing multi invoices with an address that would fit in a windowed envelope).

March 2009:
• Added the work in progress invoice setting.
• Added reports for outstanding deposits and outstanding payments (checks).
• Added reports and switches for cash accounts (running off of verified dates) and accrual accounts (running off of basic dates).
• Added the limited invoice format (no costs and only for work in progress).
• Rework of the entire work in progress section. Originally, we didn’t know that they couldn’t show up like normal invoices. Made major changes to balance sheet, income statement, couldn’t show on receivables, and couldn’t show on sales tax reports. Somewhat of a surprise!
• Fixed a date problem with PO payments and stock/unit payments. Original date was when recorded not what date the expense was holding. Small disconnect.
• Added a mid-year change to federal tax tables (part of a stimulus package).

April 2009:
• Added barcoded and RFID tag fields to the parts table.
• Added the recipe/build section.
• Added hidden line items to PO’s, quotes, and invoices.
• Added the invoice profit per line report.
• Created a search and add invoice line items section for invoices that had already been created (no longer in cart mode).
• Permission rework for parts, sales, and being able to not see costs.
• Added the “save as…” feature for quotes.
• Added admin work in progress permissions.
• Added a grouped salesperson report to the daily/weekly report.

May 2009:
• Added the customer type.
• Added the customer additional contacts and customer log entries. Tons of CRM (customer relationship management) options.
• Added the customer settings to the shopping cart and checkout process (if invoice is tied to customer).
• Added the bank helper report (deals with dates prior to bank starting dates).
• Added the advanced customer search. This is a build your own customer report page.
• Held the first public seminar at Steve’s house. We had 10 people there. Great meeting.
• Added code to help verify expense/receipts. There was a problem with payments getting verified and the main would still be outstanding (or vice-versa). Tied the two together (if a 1 to 1 relationship existed). This deals with reconciling banks.
• Fixed a rounding error problem with PO and invoice line items.
• Allowed the quick search type to follow you from page to page. Once selected, it would stay selected until changed.

June 2009:
• Created documentation for web/customer inventory pages via web services.
• Added the corp stats report (pre-cursor to the history homepage report).
• Added the flex grid tie-in application. This is an application that rides on top of the main application and is used to help tie things together and record additional information. Very dynamic and very flexible.
• Added the next day link on the balance sheet homepage.

July 2009:
• Added the history homepage permission and report. Lots of work on drill-downs and sub reports. This is the corp stats report with more filters and options on a per corp basis.
• Added an image/scan drill-down report.
• Brainstorming and research on multi decimal points (dewy decimal).
• Added first round of crop-wide settings. There were only 5-6 to start with. They were physical year, parts mark-up, default tax category (parts and customers) and ice-down date (disabled).
• Major change on how inventory values were determined. Old way was to use the current part number cost times the quantity on hand. The current cost was a variable and could be changed. That reflected itself forward and made a moving target for the total inventory value (a single price change could change everything). The new way is to use the actual costs recorded in the database (as they happened). This removed the current cost variable and allowed exact drill-downs to underlying data. Big break through on tracking inventory.
• Added the paid dates and paid flags for invoices and expense/receipts. This helped tighten things up in accounts receivables and accounts payables look-ups and look-backs.

August 2009:
• Added two new hard-coded parts to the system. They are “Fee” and “Collected”.
• Added a search option for adding PO line items. The old way was you had to know the exact part number and cost in order to add a line item. The new way allows you to search the system for the info.
• Added the PO requests. These are non-payables, not counted as inventory, and not yet live. They may be turned in to live PO’s later.
• Added the option to change the vendor/payee id number on expense/receipts.
• Added new options to the web/customer inventory pages (still dealing with units). Options included next photo on big photos (pagination) and medium thumbnails.
• Added some rounding on all stock/unit prices (that were calculated on the fly). This was both internal and for web/customers.
• Set all the web/customer inventory items that had been sold to a hidden price value and showing the word “Sold” instead of a price.

September 2009:
• Added 25 new corp-wide settings. Most were set to inactive but added as future placeholders. Slowly started adding them and activating them as time allowed. Setup the main corp-wide settings page.
• Changed work in progress invoice name to a transition invoice name.
• Added the bank check/deposit register as an optimization project.
• Added the vendor of “All” to the printable parts list report.
• Added the “parts” to the online web pages for web/customers. Activated web specific corp-wide settings.
• Added flex grid tie-ins to the output for different invoices modes (printer friendly, limited format, and save as PDF).
• Opened up the limited invoice format to all invoice types. Formally, it was only open to work in progress or transition invoices.
• Changed names on the main switchboard page. For example: The permission name and menu option used to be called “basic add/edit deposits”. This was changed to “deposit homepage”. Tons of other name changes to help standardize the naming convention and layout.

October 2009:
• Added save as PDF for PO’s.
• Added the PDF document management section. This deals with pulling database info and placing it on a pre-defined PDF form or document.
• Launched the first PDF form – Texas 130-U. This was an optimization project and the first dynamic PDF form (custom paperwork).
• Added other PDF forms. Most were start to finish in about 2 hours.
• Added some java script calculations on the cart checkout page to show change due. Calculations were made and shown but no physical data was ever recorded.

November 2009:
• Took off all of the built-in subs to stock/units. For example: gallery fee, web/computer fee, etc.
• Allowed negative parts quantities to flow through to the balance sheet. Prior releases only allowed positive inventory counts to flow to the balance sheet.
• Added merchant processing. This is the ability to take secure credit card payments, process sales, run transactions, view transactions details, and void transactions if needed.
• Processed first credit card transaction through on 11/7/09.
• Created the merchant processing flyer and demo payment page.
• Added extended prices, costs, and profit to all recipe/builds.
• Added the cart profit per line report.
• Added a new silver “Specialty” permission color.
• Allowed the main PO vendor id to be changed. Also added what we called “Special” PO’s. These are non-vendor specific PO’s and they allow for generic or homogenous parts like steel, wood, water, flour, etc. (items that may be purchased from multiple vendors yet are considered the same basic thing or sold out of a general pool).
• Small patch/fix to the P&L for deposit types that are not attached to an invoice.

December 2009:
• Loan from Steve to adilas to keep it going.
• Added the wholesale cart builder permission and function. This allowed multi stock/units on a single invoice with a point and click interface. Max of 50 per invoice.
• Disabled the checkout buttons and options from inside the cart mode if the cart was in quote mode.
• Added the cross-corp sales permission. This is taking the wholesale cart builder and allowing a sale from one corp to another corp. Basically, sell from one and stock in unit in the other corp. Tie it all together.
• Tightened up the transition invoice dates and added a graphic to show what we called the “magic window” (transition period).
• Added options to add more than one customer and/or customer contacts to a shopping cart.
• Added a reoccurring invoice flag to the customer log and customer search results.
• Added a default salesperson per customer.
• Added two new time periods to the reoccurring invoices. They were quarterly and semi-annually.
• Added 2010 tax tables and settings.