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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 1/28/2015 3:37 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3096
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 4/28/2007
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

PO’s?: Is there any other way to stock in inventory? What is it and how does it work? Adjustment PO’s?
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
- Wishes: be able to search by external invoice number (not just PO #)
Parts?: Parts to vendors? Hard coded parts? Validation on qty on hand? Searches and look-up? History?
- Likes: like the parts list feature liked the parts search with details
- Dislikes:
- Wishes: go up to three decimal points. Create a service category that holds items like shop supplies, freight, labor, and basically don’t validate against an inventory qty
Invoices?: Modes – customer, counter, internal, transfer? Crossing over to sell anything out of the system? Assigning invoices to a certain person (labor)? More than one salesperson?
- Likes:
- Dislikes: unable to edit internal tickets
- Wishes: on choosing a vendor be able to type in the number instead of scrolling. Keep parts and units separate. Tracking and seeing other things in store (add-on buys). Would like to see history. Need a save as you go option. Need start date and a pick-up on transaction date. Allow multiple people to touch the tickets, basically show who created and who added the line items.
- Internal tickets: problem adding a ticket to items marked sold instead of status sold. Maybe check for payroll status and paid commission.
Taxes?: per line item or off of total?
- Likes:
- Dislikes: have to set it every time
- Wishes: have the store pre-selected and pull in tax for that store. Allow them to switch if necessary. Currently almost a penny low, get better rounding. Go to a third decimal point on rounding.
Payment Types?: will allow for multiple types and split payments.
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
- Wishes:
Reports?: Which ones do they use? Are they fast or slow? What do they want or need to see?
- Likes: like the profit per line
- Dislikes: don’t show qty and rate – just show extended values
- Wishes:
- Likes:
- Dislikes: not alphabetical
- Wishes: make vendors specific to store location. Be able to search for parts without a vendor.

Other notes:
- Run tickets like an e-commerce app. Keep everything in session vars until they commit. Allow things to change, parts to back out, and vendor look-ups by alpha or numeric.
- Save quotes for shopping quotes
- Credit apps and financing
- Warranties
- Physical street address and phone numbers on the invoices
- Charges and accounts receivable
- Terms
- Show difference between amount due and invoice total
- Transfers between corps, stores, etc.
- Sell from one location to other locations
- Shipping
- Save partial tickets for specific users
- Payables and receivables
- Automate deposits from invoices
- Deposit on units and showing to other users that someone is on that unit. – Possible 2nd deal.
- Automate credit card transactions – possibly integrate automatic swiper
- When printing out paperwork make sure and add the verbage and warranty
- On each invoice – track how much, what did we get, and how much was actually deposited – somewhat of a mini accounts receivable per invoice
- On floorplan accounts. We need to track a history for past payables. This is a huge piece that has been missing and is required for the Balance Sheet.
- Add notes to voided items – deposits and receipts
- 4 trade ins and 4 tax categories