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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 1/28/2015 11:21 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3014
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 1/10/2015
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Another huge piece of the puzzle is the dynamic graphical user interface (GUI interface) with the adilas GPS core and adilas interactive map. I would like this to be done in Adobe Flash.
-Another huge project is being able to save and create your own reports. This will be done with a page that collects the report settings and then saves the settings as a JSON object. Settings may be applied per page, per corporation (world), per user(s), etc. Basically, a custom option to save favorites, save reports, build reports, assign reports, etc. The data that gets saved needs to be able to be modified (edited) as well as copied to make other reports and/or assignments. Create your own favorite buttons.
-I went to a planning meeting today for the youth of the church. I was impressed as I saw different groups of young men and young women meeting with their leaders to help plan the next six months. As I was talking with some of the other leaders at my table, we were talking about how members of the church are trained and able to work and do different callings and jobs. They each user their own resources and even pray for guidance and direction. We were having fun talking about how things work and how so many talented people come together to create great outcomes. I know that God is involved but we were really enjoying talking about the individual efforts of the members and people who are involved. Good stuff!
-We are going to allow different parties to help and participate in different projects inside of adilas. We, adilas, will put a person over a specific project and then start building towards that as the goal. We gully know that some of these projects are way bigger than the people we will be putting on them. That is okay and we will use that as a learning and growing options or opportunity. Kind of like what God does for us. He trusts us with all kinds of things and allows us to grow along the way. I am grateful for the chance and opportunity to learn and grow.
-A developer came over today. As part of our discussion we talked about opening up additional bays like a repair shop or garage. We also talked about a pool and how there is both a deep end and shallow end. These two analogies were part of our discussion talking about project management and trying to tap into resources.
Repair Shop (see sketch in photo gallery – multiple bays and an office)
- Garage with multiple bays or work areas.
- Different developers may only be able to work on certain projects.
Pool or swimming pool (see sketch in photo gallery)
- Deep end
- Shallow end
- Cross cut of a pool
- Different levels for different projects – match the level to the developer and the needs
-Think of a team scenario… break projects down into the main components. Number the pieces, determine the levels, make assignments and plan accordingly. Almost like an assembly line for projects. Plan, prep, build, sign-off.