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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 1/28/2015 11:02 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2985
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 12/3/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Notes on GPS stuff from a call with a GPS client and my dad:
- Check out the company CalAmp
- ESN numbers and Unit #’s – key id fields
- States, statuses, and switches. These are things like speeding, how fast? Idling, how long? Stopped, how long? Mileage, how far? Driving, fuel usage, PTO usage, etc.
- Tons of different sub details. Basically, we need to track dates, times, details, phases, locations, activities, and monies while doing different things that may range from sea to shining sea (long distances).
- Landmarks, sub locations, areas, perimeters, boarder, etc. How many points make up a sub location?
- Timing, histories, and intervals of actions or events.
- Managers may only want to see units assigned to them. Admin may want to see all players. Fleet assignments.
- IFTA or International Fuel Tax Agreement – This is huge for truckers and GPS tracking. State to state, sleep time, idle time, working but not driving, etc.
- Full dispatch package, routes, estimations, gallons, price per gallon, reports, etc.
- Google Earth is a great resources.
- Mangers and admin want to see multi screens, quick snapshots, and activity of what is going on.
- Tell the story
- Leave and/or show bread crumbs – audit trail
- Pull reports as needed…
- Some of the drivers need access to the last 7 days of data. After that, it needs to be archived.
- Most devices are coded by scripts or pulses that are sent to them.
- Lots of divisions and sub divisions. Groups, sub groups, and subs of subs.
- The phone # on the SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) is super important.
- He said that he used to be the kind of buy here, pay here. He wants back in that arena.
- Texting, emails, web, API sockets, etc. – Lots of different communication levels.
- Maps and quick visuals – show me, don’t tell me.
- Maintenance servers and being able to manually ping the device.