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Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/4/2014 8:34 pm
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Time Id: 2930
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Meeting Agenda for the Developer's Meeting
Start Date: 12/4/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This is a quick screen shot of the agenda. This was done as part of a demo showing how to upload a photo. Nothing special.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (3)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
adilas_formula.pdf   Doc/PDF 12/6/2014 The formula flyer - " 101" is a flyer that talks about mixing and blending to get results and output. Our formula is:

Results = Mix(Functions, Players, Core Concepts)

The flyer is a set of four different quadrants that show the different pieces of the formula. We use this flyer to help show people how to mix and blend the different pieces to get the results or outcome they are looking for. Here are the different quadrants.

Results Quadrant
What are you looking for? What is the goal or outcome?

This quadrant shows some small graphics that show a flying saucer, a motorcycle, a race car, a minivan, and a big 18-wheeler truck. The goal is to talk about skinning your engine. The graphic also has the words "Dream It Up, We'll Wire It Up!". The other verbage is: Choose your flavor (step 1), Pick your tools (step 2), Skin your engine (step 3), and Build your world! (step 4). The results quadrant deals with interfaces, goals, and desired output or outcome. Basically it comes back to what do you want out of the system? Once you have that goal, the rest of the pieces start falling into place. Without a goal, there is no real direction. You've got to start there.

Business Functions Quadrant
What do you want? How will you reach your goals?
1. Sales, Inventory Tracking, & POS (Point Of Sale)
2. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
3. CMS (Content Management System)
4. Online Expense Tracking
5. Payroll & Timecards
6. Calendar & Scheduling
7. Create Data Relationships Between System Players
8. Backend Office & Accounting Functions
9. Histories & Reports
10. BI (Business Intelligence)
11. Web Presence & eCommerce
12. Virtual Data Portal (Big Data)

This quadrant shows the 12 main business functions or things that we do to help businesses. Each one is part of a fully integrated system. In a way, these are the pieces that people want or key business buzz words that relate to a function and/or concept. Once again, these business functions play a part of the your end goal and/or goals.

Application Players Quadrant
What tools are you going to use?
1. Customers
2. Invoices
4. Vendors
5. PO's (Purchase Orders)
6. Parts (General Inventory Items)
7. Stock/Units (Serialized Inventory)
8. Deposits
9. Expense/Receipts
10. Employee/Users
11. User-Maintained Balance Sheet Items
12. Elements Of Time (Calendar & Scheduling)

This quadrant shows the key player groups that we use inside the system. Each player group has a specific function and gets interconnected to other player groups or individuals (data objects) inside of the groups. In a way, these application players are like the characters in a story or book. There are groups and individuals within a specific group. These groups and individuals have relationships and often interact and play with each other. These player groups are the tools that we use to get the business functions to do their job. We use custom settings to allow the different groups to be called certain things (custom naming conventions). This allows the different businesses and/or worlds to speak their own language and have their own verbage. Having the system specifically catered to them and speaking their language helps them feel more comfortable. For example: A customer may be called a client, a student, a patient, a member, etc. Parts and general inventory items may be called services, items, products, parts, widgets, etc.

Core Concepts Quadrant
Why & how does it work? Virtual world building...
1. Capture & Record The Story
2. Groups, Players, Individuals, & Characters
3. Relationships
4. Trouble, Problems, Needs, & Goals
5. Decisions & Choices
6. Consequences (Cause & Effects)
7. Accountability
8. Permissions & Settings
9. Systems
10. Vision & Future Developments
11. Tech, Tools, & Maintenance
12. Objects & Data Over Time

This quadrant goes deep and talks about some of the underlying core concepts of business world building or what we call 3D world building concepts. World building is used by writers and movie makers to take their audience into a virtual world. In order to tell and/or record the story, they have to have characters. These characters need to have relationships of some sort or another (good, bad, friends, enemies, love, hate, rivals, etc.). These characters come together to work on and/or over come some kind of problem and/or trouble. The problems and trouble sections are critical to the story and provide the reason(s) for the characters to work together. Without the problems and/or trouble, there is peace and only casual interactions are needed. The next concept deals with how the characters respond over time. As time passes, it automatically creates decisions & choices. Those choices automatically create cause and effect relationships and/or consequences. Because of the consequences, there must be an accounting and/or accountability of sorts. This holds the characters and/or individuals responsible for certain outcome and/or results. The deeper things go and the more time that passes, the more the characters and/or players create deeper and deeper relationships as more and more cause and effects take place. This pattern becomes somewhat self feeding and creates a story of what is going on.

We then sub divide those levels of accountability and cause and effects into permissions and settings. These values define the roles and rules of the game. This is how you change the underlying foundational pieces of the story. Permissions deal with who has access to certain functions and features. Permissions also somewhat imply responsibility for using and safe keeping certain parts or sections. Permissions are used to both allow and deny access to persons, places, and things. Settings deal with how things look, feel, interact, and/or the way things work. Settings also help with options, verbage, and flow. This is how you setup your environment and/or world.

When you get multiple pieces playing together and used in combination, you get what is called a system. A system could be the information, the players, the groups, the data relationships, etc. Systems also cover a number of size ranges from the big picture all the way down to sub and/or micro system level. Systems may be simple and/or complex with lots of moving pieces. Systems often involve multiple, interconnected pieces, creating the whole.

The next two main concepts kind of feed on each other as well. They are vision & future developments and tech, tools, & maintenance. The vision is the goal of where we are going and/or where our clients want us to go. That vision keeps moving and thus requires new tools and features to be developed. These new tools and features start making their own cause and effect relationships and keep driving the product forward. We like to think of adilas as an idea farm that is producing new ideas. We try to listen and cultivate those ideas by recording them and then trying to work towards implementing them. It is a constant process. We can't see an end to it. Because it keeps moving, we rely on new technologies and tech gadgets to keep up with the moving target. Literally the ground changes beneath us as we go. We have to roll and pitch as needed. We use all kinds of tools, code, technologies and try to make our own tools more and more available to be used as well. The maintenance portion come in just like anything else worthwhile. You've got to do maintenance on your pieces otherwise decay and clutter enters in. It has been said that a combination of education and maintenance can make things great. Sometimes we think new is always better, when maybe all we need to do is get educated and do maintenance on our existing pieces. Maintenance requires work and being willing to circle back around again and again as needed. Maintenance is huge!

The last core concept deals with tracking objects and data over time. This gets clear into the business world building and/or 3D world building concepts. Basically, an object is a thing or a data container that has subs, levels, textures, layers, sizes, and/or depths (some kind of structure). We hold different pieces of data in different compartments and/or zones within the main object. This usually creates what is called a one-to-many relationship. Storing the data in a specific order or placement creates the data relationships between the pieces. A good analogy of an object being tracked over time is a car or a vehicle going on a trip. It has tires, seats, an engine compartment, a steering wheel, and some trunk/storage space. Think of the different ways those pieces may be used. Some of those places may even allow you to virtually stick and/or store pieces of data and/or hold specific details. Anyways, as the vehicle drives around, you may pick up other passengers, let people off, add to the trunk, put something under the hood, stick something on the seat, etc. Basically, tracking objects and data over time goes clear out to that level. What is happening? Who did what? What does that mean and/or do? What is that worth? Are there any consequences from a certain action? etc.

As mentioned above, tracking objects and data over time goes clear out the business world building level or what we call the 3D world building level. The three dimensions of the 3D model are: x=time, y=money, and z=space. Time is on the x axis (going side to side). Time deals with dates, times, stages, phases, ranges, spans, etc. What is happening and when does it happen or when does it effect something? The y axis is for money (going up and down). This deals with how do my changes affect my worth, the cost, the price, the quantity, and even my accounting? What is happening on the money tracking side? Do I owe for something? Does someone owe me for something? Do I own it? Am I trying to buy it? What's its value? etc. Lots of variables that deal with the object being tracked over time and what is the money piece doing. This is virtually your accounting numbers. The 3rd dimension or z axis is space (going front to back or depth). Space could be as far out as the moon, stars, orbits, planets, etc. Or it could as a simple as the stacking, layering, locations, sub locations, positions, depth, etc. Spatial pieces are some of the ways that we add organization into the puzzle. The spatial pieces may be as simple as a job site, a business location, or as detailed as a file folder, a phase, a progress report, a sub detail, etc. Basically, what is the scope of the object and how is it organized and/or stored? The spatial elements could go on and on and/or as deep as needed. Think of the spatial elements as the depth and/or scope of the object being tracked. At a certain point, there may be a financial balance and/or a time balance that help limit and/or dictate the depth that is required and/or needed. All three pieces, x=time, y=money, and z=space need to work together to form a thing called a compound concept. Basically, one without the other won't be complete until they are used in combination.

When you put all of these pieces together, you get the whole story of what is going on. We call that 3D World Building and/or Business World Building. This is exactly what we have tried to make with the business system and platform. It is one of the first world building software applications for businesses. The word adilas is an acronym for - all data is live and searchable. Your data, your world, your way!

Here is a small help file on 3D world building if you are interested in more details:
adilas_developers_meeting.pdf   Doc/PDF 12/4/2014 This was the letter to invite the interns and developers to the first training meeting for adilas interns and adilas developers.
adilas_meeting_agenda.doc   Doc/Text 12/4/2014 First ever group meeting for adilas interns and adilas developers.

See the upload for the agenda and other handouts. We also posted the entire GoToMeeting video screen capture up online. It is at the following web address:

As a side note, we spent quite a bit of time commenting on an attached flyer called 101. This flyer has a four quadrant layout that shows what we call the adilas formula. See this help file for more information about the adilas formula and what the pieces are and/or represent.