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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 11/19/2014 10:23 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2919
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 11/7/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-For best results – align yourself with the laws of nature and the laws of God. I was sleeping in my SUV (Chevy Tahoe) on the way home from a river trip in Southern Utah. I was way up in the mountains and just parked off the road. The vehicle was parked on a pretty good slant. I was tired. I folded down the seat, threw out a sleeping pad, and grabbed my sleeping bag. I then laid down and went to sleep. However, because I wasn’t aligned with the laws of nature (meaning gravity, slopes, and angles) I ended up fighting all night to get comfortable. In the morning when I was more awake, I kept thinking… Man, it sure is easier if we align ourselves with the laws of nature and the laws of God. Things just naturally go better and we don’t have to fight a losing battle.

-Not to be gross, but we (as a company and as an application) need to be able to excrete and/or dump waste. We’ve got to get it to that level. If not, over time, it will get toxic. We’ve got to be able to excrete or dump waste.
-The reason for the comment above deals with trying to pattern our needs after what nature already does. Lots of great lessons are right in front of us. I spent 7-8 hours today at a public campground and picnic area recording notes in my notebook. During that time I had to use the restroom a number of times. Each time, I kept thinking how important that process was and also the where that process takes place is also very important. When I’m at home, the bathroom is just down the hall… when I’m outside, it can be more open (a tree, a bush, etc.) or it could be a small hike each time to be in the right place. In a shared public environment, if waste (any type including trash, rubbish, and body waste) isn’t disposed of properly, it could get out of control and eventually become toxic. Anyway, just drawing some parallels between nature and web applications.

-Try to drain the pond a little bit… I keep writing and writing… Maybe I need to keep more on top of things. Maybe, I’ll start uploading my own notes instead of making my sister take care of all of that. That might help if I could do a little at a time.
-I did some calculations… I need about $2,000 to $3,000 a week to keep my current people, interns, developers, designers, and helpers going. That is 6-8 hours a piece for about 10 people. There is a current team of 10. That’s a pretty good team! Let’s make it happen.