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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 11/18/2014 5:46 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2875
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 11/11/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Adilas will need to make the first eCommerce API templates. Ideally the web designers will need ColdFusion installed on their machine. All other interactions will be done using real live API calls. The first template will be tied to a demo site. Keep it simple and help them see the whole flow... These templates will be given to other designers and developers. Anyway, adilas will need to make the first eCommerce API templates.

-Point people to God!

-One of the big holes seems to be on adding new items. People just want to create the item without tying it to the PO first. We used to allow that, but it ended up stranding or leaving random parts all around. Maybe we will need to look back into that or provide some help as people aren't really able to find their way very easy.

Communication is so important. Help out wherever possible!
-What has been promised?
-Who is doing what?
-What are the expectations?
-Timelines, budgets, scope, etc.
-Triangular sketch – 3 points – Client, Adilas, Other parties (developers, designers, reps, consultants, etc.)
-3D levels – x=time or timelines, y=money or budgets, z=space or scope

-Communication needs to run over and through all levels and dimensions. That is so important. A modern buzz word is: Unified Communications or UC.

Ideas from a developer out of Salida, CO:
-We need to get the shopping cart to an API level. There is tons of code but it is all in-line or hardcoded per page right now. We need to get it to function or method (API) type level.
-The system needs to own the core. Set things up on a one-to-many relationship wherever possible. Standardize as needed.
-We haven't even launched in-line discounts yet and we are seeing a need for multi-discounts per line item. For example a veterans discount as well as a weight or quantity discount. I'm assuming, but if we need two right now... we will need three, four, five, etc. (multi or unlimited) by the time we are done.