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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 11/12/2014 4:16 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2834
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 9/22/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

  • Logged in to all of the remote servers and made a physical database copy on each box. On the data 2 server, I created a storage database and copied some selected records over to the storage database. This is a temporary step for the full database copy and world building pieces that are coming.
  • Recording notes about the media/content server and needs for the future.
  • Logged into the content server to do some prep work. Checked usage and uploads. Found that quite a few companies have hundreds and hundreds of files that have been uploaded. The main type was pdf, pgn, gif, speg, and power point. Interesting. I also saw that one company has already exceeded their free space allocation. We will be making our first over allotment invoice for additional storage. We knew this would be coming at some time, we just didn't know when. That's exciting. We have 5 other companies that will be going over their free allotment within the next month. Yee haw! That's a new revenue stream for adilas.
  • Working on adding a temporary storage site to adilas. This was basically created to help temporarily solve the full database copy for a client. We added a new folder or directory, copied the database, added a new datasource, changed code, posted about 1,000 pages of duplicate code online and did some testing. In a nutshell, we virtually copied the bus (normal shared environment) and let it run down the road.
  • Helping an intern with his new laptop and getting things installed and setup.

  • On the phone with Steve. We talked about a number of different topics. We talked a lot about copying the database, world building concepts, priorities, new projects, hot spots, custom labels, sub inventory and cost controls (packaging), promises made, known holes, and what developers are on what projects. We also talked about who can take on more work, developer wise. That is starting to be a small bottle neck. Here is a list of our current priorities:
    1. In-line discounts & tax stuff
    2. Sub inventory & cost controls (packaging)
    -Custom label app – fits perfectly in with packaging
    3. Adilas world – list of adilas professionals – who can help and what can they do?
    4. Adilas University – all help files, user guides, videos, developer's notebook, API documentation, etc.
    5. World building and being able to duplicate databases. This deals with copies, migration, independent mini versions, etc.

  • Talking with an intern about direction. More work on his computer. Did some light planning.
  • Recording notes and ideas. Checking off the to do list and doing more planning. Crazy times!
  • Random to do list stuff and paying a payment on a credit card bill.
  • Phone calls on and about API socket projects. One dealing with inventories and another one dealing with virtual banking and monies (kind of like prepaid debit cards).
  • Brainstorming on a dynamic label maker or dynamic label app. Basically a build your own label interface.
  • Another intern came over to work on stuff. We called a few clients, helped with a tech support call, and then discussed future projects and direction.