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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 7/31/2013 10:06 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 281
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 10/27/2010
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Set up reoccurring checks or scheduler (of events) to look for global watchers and changes. Run it (the scheduled event) 2 hours after the last corp action (dynamic) or at present times.
-Maybe set a window where it always runs from live data. (1-7 days out) Any other date range behind that window could check for a flag and run on archived data totals.
-On the global watchers, maybe tie a master date to the corp table. If something in the past changes, set the flag and record that date. Then have the system go back and run things to help with clean-up and tracking totals. If the user creates a change and the system sees the flag, it would switch to a real-time data look-up. If no flag is found, it could run from the global watchers or totals. That would make it dynamic and fast.
-May need a 1-many to help catch any concurrent changes (who has the last cookie).
-The scheduler might need a 1-many from the time block to an item, a 1-many from the action item within the time block to a sub section or detail section. This could be good for follow-up, GPS stuff, extra notes, etc. It might end up being at least 3-deep.
-Have each corp start over with 1 on their own numbering system for the time block to item actions.
Random History Notes:
- Luca Pacioli – Father of accounting – Book called “Summa de Arithmetica” – 1494. Double entry accounting – 500 years old.
- Renaissance… Christopher Columbus – (1451 – 1506 lived) – 1492 sailed the ocean blue. Leonardo da Vinci – (1452 – 1519 lived) – friend of Pacioli.
-On conversions – what if we had a global conversion table… this wouldn’t be tied to any specific part at all. It would only show up on the advanced add/edit cart pages and would help the user do the real conversion. They add the real inventory effecting line plus the dummy line.
-On locations, it might be nice to have a bill to and ship to address for PO’s and expense/receipts.
-Start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start. (Sound of Music)
-In order to help people save time/money/clicks. Show all possible reflexive tie-ins. Help complete the circle (whatever shape it is or needs to be).
-When doing the historical report for the history homepage, include the photos that were added on that day or date range.
-If the line items and main amount match – maybe allow a button or check box to help update the main on the fly. This could be a pro and a con; I’ll have to think about it.
-We may need to introduce personal settings in conjunction with corp-wide settings. This could be page views, behaviors, etc. right off the bat, I’m thinking of display modes for homepages (basic vs. full expanded detail like bulk verify), show/hide search options, auto correct differences between main and line items, etc. These settings might need to be on a per corp basis or not??