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Color Code: Yellow
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 7/29/2014 5:42 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2366
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Tech - Planning for the Flex Grid Tie-In Tables
Start Date: 5/29/2009
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Planning for flex grid tie-in tables. (Please see scans in photo gallery)
Flex Grid Tie-Ins:
1. If the flex grid exists on the top of everything, how do I get to it? How do I search it?
- Need a flex grid homepage with links to manage dynamic naming and field titles (admin)
- Need a two-part flex grid search
i. Choose the app type
ii. Query the database and show dynamic fields for that type. Show the main search form.
2. If we allow a quick search of the flex grid, what would that take (a 10-way like search)? Also, if we found more than one section (results), how would we show that and maintain the dynamic title values.
- I guess we could do 10 different searches (queries for each main app type) and then loop over the app types and check for a positive record count
3. When adding a new flex grid – we either need to be on the main object (pass the id and type through the URL) or select what main object to tie it to (select app type & main id).
- Once we have the main, pull in some general info so that the user can make sure that the correct main item was selected.
- Query the database and dynamically populate the other (dynamic titles) fields.
4. When showing assigned flex grid items, show other relations first (already in the system) and then the flex grid. I would also like the ability to show just the flex grid items. It may also be nice if we could select which flex grid items to show on a standalone report. Be able to save as a pdf.
5. It would be nice if we could use a single page for add and edit modes. It would also be nice to show details for all 10 main items on the same page.