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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 7/28/2014 4:50 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2337
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 5/21/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Notes from a phone call with Steve about Inventory & Cost Controls:

- This is a one-to-many model for how inventory & cost controls could be put into place. 1 = one, infinity sign = many. 5 level sketch of inventory cost controls – please see scan in photo gallery for the sketch with details.
- The goal is to get perfect costing. This is the ideal or the dream!
- Inventory control and cost controls are two huge pieces of this puzzle. Why not put the values together and call it what it is? We came up with “Inventory & Cost Control” or “IC Controls” for short. (Add the word sub in front)
- Part of the goal is bridging the gap or “zippering” up the gap between bulk inventory tracking and specific or individual item tracking. They are two different monsters.
- “You have the model – use it!” – An adilas consultant talking about rules and assignments.
- Build your own rules for discounts, conversions, prices. Then assign those rules as needed. Basically, use the my cart favorite smart group rules and assignments to help with other pieces of the puzzle. Open up the rules and assignments to get at the underlying functionality.

- Requirements for the inventory and cost controls (packaging):
o Sub of PO and invoice line items
o Unique unit of measure per sub piece
o Associated quantity – this could be set or dynamic
o Custom description options
o Pricing options
• Default to current price
• Custom or special
• Tie to a my cart favorite button or smart group button with tiered pricing. Maybe think multi-button assignments.
o Expiration date – allow to be used or skipped
o Bulk and/or single
o Be able to create an auto batch or package number.
o How tight is the package? Tight, rigid, open, or loose.

- On the part categories, allow them to have babies or be nested. This could be a one-to-many relationship. Make it as deep as needed.
- On conversions… maybe allow per item or per smart group level options. We may want to go up a level and then do rules and assignments to help handle conversions. Think about smart group buttons. Rules & assignments.
- Discounts may also need to be at the smart group level. Think about building your own rules and assignments. Most discounts are done in the cart mode. Build the logic accordingly.
- We may need some RFID tag tracking options on the main elements of time or on the sub inventory and cost control tables.
- We need dynamic naming for batching, packaging, lots, groups, and other sub inventory and cost controls “IC Controls”.
- The settings may need to be tied to the master time template inside of elements of time.
- Future project and idea for job costing for elements of time… What about using “pools” to hold inventory for jobs and/or customers. Maybe just hold it and then show it as reserved. This is assigned customer inventory but maybe not yet billed out or invoiced.
- On the sub inventory and cost controls… allow for auto numbering, unique barcodes, set number ranges (help do multiples at a time), or allow for manual entry.
- Allow sub boxing and/or packaging of other packages. This could be RFID tag tracking or putting a number of specific sub items into a box or crate. Think nesting dolls or bigger pieces holding known smaller pieces. This is stacking and stacking. This needs to be part of sub inventory and cost controls.
- Use barcodes and/or RFID tags to tie everything together.
- Keep the work load as small as possible. Remember, the goal is perfect costing and virtually zippering things up between bulk and individual widget inventory control. Good stuff!

- Internal builds may become even more important – being able to track specifically all of the smaller sub pieces. We may end up using barcodes to create internal build PO’s.
- What about “build and build” recipes. This was originally going to be part of the recipe to add to a stock/unit. What if it could also be used to create packages of packages. Full on manufacturing.
- On sub inventory and cost controls… Pull the PO number, cost, and RFID tag number to the sub table. Use the PO line item as a one or master entry. The sub inventory and cost controls will be a one-to-many from the PO line items. See diagram (box drawing) a couple of pages back.
- The secret of the sub inventory and cost controls is breaking the bulk entry (a single PO line item) piece into smaller pieces of data that contain conversions, quantities, costs, prices (somewhat variable), and special tracking numbers. This almost goes from process accounting (bulk flow) to discrete accounting (sub details). Interesting.
- I’d like to create a payment page for the package tag stuff. Ask users and companies to help move that project forward. This would be an invoice payment page that gets assigned to an invoice and multiple people could help contribute. Basically a community funded adilas invoice. That would be pretty cool!