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Color Code: Yellow
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/22/2014 4:48 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2264
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Brainstorming Outline for the Main Homepage & What It Is We Do
Start Date: 12/7/2012
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

E.D.G.E – Explain, demonstrate, guide, enable – Boy Scouts of America
Outline for the main homepage and what is it that we do:
Build on common ground… you win more bees with honey than salt.
- Very simple… we help people track data
- Data means different things to different people
- Help you see the whole picture
- “System” is a key word
- Start with operations
- A full system allows you to do things that others can’t do….
- Cause & effect will create accounting
- Small review of where traditional accounting came from
- We do things differently now
- Accounting needs to follow the changes in trends
- One huge key is “time”
- Here is what we want to do about it
- Invite people to participate & help
- Why do you do it? Because it needs to be done!
- Ask the question… what would I do? This helps develop the why. The why takes time and is counter to the fast food mentality of I want it now!
- Add an audio version to the website… read it for the people