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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/22/2014 3:57 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2237
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Tech - Logic for Submitting "rules" to the Database for Smart Groups
Start Date: 2/2/2012
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Logic for submitting “rules” to the database for smart groups:
- We need to format to a specific decimal level. All values will be forced to that specific level and then converted to five decimal places (for storage).
- Each rule set will use the same master decimal place setting.
- The main rule is that it must start at 0 and end at 99,999,999.99999 (or the current decimal level 2-5)
- Ideally, there are no gaps allowed… however there may be small (mini) gaps because of decimal accuracy levels. For example: 0.00-25.00, 25.01-50.00 (2 decimals) vs. 0.00000-25.00000, 25.00001-50.00000 (5 decimals) (small gap but relative) (gap of 0.00999 or almost 0.01)
- There is a minimum of 1 record (0-99,999,999.99999) and no max as long as they all follow suit.
- If no end or max is given, we need to fill that in (help finish).
- How do I check for gaps and over laps?
- We need to handle both adds and edits. Any edits that don’t pass validation, mark as inactive and update the start and end value.