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Main Time Information
Color Code: Yellow
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/21/2014 3:12 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2218
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Tech - Element of Time to Invoices/Quotes
Start Date: 7/9/2011
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

Invoice_quote_time.cfm – both URL & FORM scope
Basic Customer Info:
- Id:
- Customer Name:
- Address:
- City, State, Zip
Decided to somewhat stack things (sketch on scan)
Add options for removing elements of time and updating details… the normal process is to use what is passed in… if an update is needed it must be passed in or requested.
Pass along:
- end_dates_closed
- time_id
- invoice_status_id
- start_date
- general_title
- template_name
- color_value
- actions_status_name
- invoice_status_name
- quote_number
- invoice_number
- general_notes
- use_total_time
- time_frequency_id
- total_time
- time_frequency_name
- use_general_amount
- general_amount
Time Frequencies:
1. = Dummy
2. = Seconds
3. = Minutes
4. = Hours
5. = Days
6. = Weeks
7. = Months
8. = Years
Title/Caption Template with: Color, Notes, Invoice/quote status (with drill-downs to invoices and quotes), Total Time and frequency, Total Amount