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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2014 3:51 pm
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Time Id: 2141
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Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Denver
Start Date: 10/24/2013
Main Status: Active

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Day 3: Oct. 24
-Think of adilas like a game... cause & effect, cause & effect...
-P&L - runs over time; B.S. - snapshot in time; main players on the P&L - Revenue, COGS, Expenses
-Revenue: more so what you are going to be taxed on... from Mick - the transfer of goods or services at a price.... so invoices (an investment would go on the balance sheet but it would not be inputted on the P&L
-Henry Ford and the assembly line --- adilas ---- Adilas - a new tradition.
-Adilas - so user friendly, so accessible --- and the connectivity is INVALUABLE!
-Peachtree, QuickBooks. (Traditional accounting systems) are numeric or alpha-numeric systems.... whereas adilas is more an alpha system... much easier for the user. Also a traditional accounting system is a T-account or flat... whereas adilas is a multi-dimensional, mobile system... also units of measurement already built in to the system... incredibly enjoyable
-Paul said this a cool way... with all of these worlds are stories so often they invite us into their world or for the story we experience things in "their" world, come into my world. But with adilas, it is... "What is YOUR world?"... Because we are here to help you create your world. How do you want to play? How can we help to build your world and help it to function?
-System Assets: think monies you are bringing in, monies in; System Liabilities: monies, monies going out
-Reiterate some of the small things when setting up... because often people get overwhelmed just b/c it's all new and you forget how and where or for instance things coming in... all need to come in on a PO for example...
-Funny, but true, Roxanne says anyone that has done shopping online can do sales in adilas.... they might need some training and guidance for other functionality like adding in inventory, or doing accounting... but for sales, it is very logical and user friendly
*The edit ability of adilas is a huge asset or benefit of using the system!
***Whatever you do outside of the system... do inside the system!
-With verifying deposits and expenses... if they have been verified but they are wrong, you can back it up and actually un-verify it, then you can add/remove items... then you can go back and get things correct and you can verify it... a good way to back up if you made that mistake....
-Check your homepages so that you can see what you've been doing... sometimes people add so fast or use the back button and end up adding a whole bunch... so it is good to monitor and care for things.... Best practice: add things only once... then edit, edit, edit, whatever you need.... if you tried to add it, you might just need to search for it or figure out where to find it.
-Verifying things... is such a great way to basically check done... to say yes, this is correct; I authorize that to move forward...... (On a PO, the specific verify date is not as important as the Expenses and Deposit verify dates... that is very important on those last ones)
***Idea/want to have: the ability to divide payments on expenses... or on paying off PO's with partial payments (divide payments like applying payments for our customers)
-Creating actual objects allows for multi-dimensional relationships... it simulates and/or tracks what really happens in the world... with time, relationships, story, etc.
*Don't be afraid to start playing... even just start with what you can start with... you can circle back around and edit if needs be, or teach the next step at the next time, etc.
***IDEA: from Uri, asking if we had thought about QR codes/swift codes for sending direct transfers, especially for those that are sending huge amounts of money to people
***IDEA: Quick exports to Excel... any page, any data... again from Uri
-You are able to pull all sorts of data and reports from adilas... but you do have to know where to find it....
-adilas and others will sometimes trick out the system just a bit & put in a $0 expense to track their monthly bank statements.... so that they can have a holding place, attached to their vendor and then upload all the photos for their bank statement... so that they can document that along the way as well
****IDEA: a box on expenses that you can say how much you would like to pay, as noted earlier... that way it can help you calculate and do the math...
-Splits allow for partial payments... but reimbursements do not allow for partials... so if you have a unique situation, you may need to play accordingly
-I personally need to have a better understanding of items like equity, capital, user-maintained balance sheet items (the running, assigned, etc. what are the differences in those options, what does it mean?), (Learn what feeds automatically and what needs to be manually entered... and what situations), P&L statements, payroll, payroll taxes --- really just how a lot of the accounting works.... liabilities - loans, company distributions, assets... (So many places to get to this information... many great resources for understanding these processes... Shari had specifically been talking about payroll)
-Other content bucket: local - is it on my C drive, F, my docs, etc., etc., etc. Remote - your YouTube account, google drive, sky drive, etc., etc. for both of these no costs just referencing to these files. Physical: pushed up to adilas servers and retrievable from adilas servers... that one they will have to charge for because of the space and potential file size.... but this is going to be SO neat! Really, the possibilities are SO immense. What kind of content do you use, what do you want?!