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Color Code: Yellow
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2014 3:51 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2140
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Denver
Start Date: 10/23/2013
Main Status: Active

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Day 2: Oct. 23
***IDEA: from Roxanne - when you are in a deposit and you attach your invoices to the deposit... sometimes when going through you forget that you are only looking through the cash, so now you have tons on your deposit but you didn't want all of those other invoices, just cash (say), so now it makes it a pain to take them off... because when you have to remove any... you have to remove each one individually... can there be a link to empty out everything from the entire deposit..... that way you don't have to void... there would be a link within the deposit itself to clear the deposit so you can add back what you need... it is a pain to take them off one at a time... because each time it requires you to verify that you want to remove "this invoice" from the deposit... so basically, a link on the physical deposit to clear the entire deposit... or to be able to remove multiple or in bulk....
-Job Costing????
-One neat feature of adilas - enter once and it is there... no multiple entries into multiple systems... I have known this the whole time but David made a great comment about this that was great.
-Right now, out of the box, adilas can solve probably 80+% of any business’s needs.... pretty amazing!
-Systems thinking: We all work within systems... we are all familiar with systems that we work with or work within....
????-If you have a lot of these companies in Colorado that are trying to make this pretty dramatic change in January.... will you need to speed up the API option for industries... where does it fall on the tick list????
*I love seeing people come alive and get excited about their life and good things they have going or things special to them that they like to share with others.
***Again with Master Time Templates... putting in a color legend... currently planned to go on the add/edit template page... or also on the top of the calendar was suggested... then you can see it right there every time... with people's own custom legend, colors, titles, templates....
-Round 2 Elements of Time - to the dispatch level, following multiple crews on multiple jobs with varying times... all within a day... or whatever... dispatching level to time
*The content server is going to be super fantastic!!!! So much incredible functionality! Whoa! Good stuff! --- Cool - 3 different levels, on their local drive, adilas holds it, and linking to an outside source (YouTube, cloud interfaces, etc., etc., etc.)