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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2014 3:51 pm
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Time Id: 2139
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Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Denver
Start Date: 10/22/2013
Main Status: Active

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Adilas October 3 Day Training Notes - Denver   Doc/Text 10/22/2013 Notes from the adilas training in Denver - October 2013.

Denver - October Training – October 22-24th
Day 1: Oct. 22
***Fix It: or an item found in training that you may want to check: when we switched elements of time to the weekly view, it still had only the (next month), (last month), etc. buttons... if they switch to weekly etc., do you want the buttons to switch to (next week, last week, etc.) May also be nice to keep the month buttons as well???
-Transitional invoice - between a quote and an invoice.... you need to track things but it is not ready to be counted as revenue yet...
****A consultant is SO powerful.... because you can get in and are able to see what people need and help them solve their pains.... you can show them an incredible product... but when you help them solve their pains or help them accomplish the purposes they have... that is what will matter to them... in so many ways it doesn't even matter if this is the coolest application in the world, it has to sink in and be relevant for them... at some point they have to catch that vision... Adilas is an incredible application - consultants (and maybe some training features) could be super powerful for understanding needs and layouts and how it could be most helpful to achieve our purpose...
***Idea/Already added to the tick list: A way to remind you when your usage gets to a certain point and you want to be notified... etc.
-Ma's business: a lot of Internal Build PO's.... and when pulling inventory, from your inventory... it needs to be a negative quantity so that it can track it from your inventory... the sum of what you robbed from your inventory add up to your final product... the outcome on the PO that all of these items together created should equal $0.00. No physical monies changed hands, this is just an inventory tracking tool.... (can be very powerfully combined with the build and hold recipes if you are doing the same thing over and over and over)
-Multiple ways to track things in adilas... that is why it is so important to plan it out... see what is needed, or would be most beneficial for your industry...
-I love how it tracks usage as well... how you can see where everything came in on... where everything went out on... great stuff!
-Refund: create a new invoice and return that item... put in a negative quantity...
*Adilas is SO incredibly customizable, which is an incredible asset... but that is almost like a 2-edged sword, because a lot of people don't know where to jump, or how to accomplish their goals and purposes... training & a knowledgeable client base - SO important.
*Work through customer's pains... as they are prioritized... start with the worst pain - help solve that and then move to the next pain...