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Title/Caption: Adilas Team Meeting Notes
Start Date: 7/19/2013
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Adilas July Team Meeting Notes   Doc/Text 7/19/2013

FOCUS TOPICS: Marketing, Sales, Support
-Commercials on - how they use adilas, talking about how they love it, what they do with adilas, what they love about us. Show what it can do, for lots of other people. This is what it does.... how someone uses it and what they think about the product.
-Target people with previous knowledge of business & technology - or at least try to have them as reps, so they have an understanding of business concepts and can understand adilas. Get actual reps that can go out and be representatives for adilas with the knowledge and skills to be successful as a rep.
-Adilas has all of the CRM, Inventory management, Employees & payrolls, finances & accounting, ----- would like to also include and improve on marketing for adilas and also to help users with marketing
-Little business seminars - live events - they let me show you what this is, instead of just come to training. Seeing the possibilities and what adilas can do.... show the product and then training, reps, etc. can be setup later when we the clients are in place. LIVE infomercials.
-Business Resource Center: a source for a lot of entrepreneurs - allow demos & presentations of business related aspects... getting the product out there
-Increasing our education and support - get education higher than the function, so that people and marketing can move that forward and advance the growth of function
-Go after the people that want to be on the system - you can tell who those people are because of how they interact. If they get someone specifically on the ball that can get completely trained and then is responsible for training everyone else in the company and takes care of everything, they are the ones that really succeed and really take off. Steve's analogy of the really tough sales with bad credit, so you can work with, work with, work with but at the end of the day, they are still the toughest sales. Go for those who have the budget and the structure that they are already ready to move forward.
-If you can get someone who already knows what's going on, they can take off with that. Then you are not teaching them every little thing instead you have them understanding at least of business and so forth.
-Laser focused training on adilas university so that you could link people to those videos and have small focus.
-At the end of the day - it really takes someone who catches the vision and who wants to learn.
-Adilas is a piece of clay but most people want a cup. So somehow we have to get them to see the excellent flexibility..... or maybe you just need people that recognize that an adaptable piece of clay is better than a cup.
-Companies need to see the possibilities but you may also need to build the piece that they want or their dream business model and train them in how to use it. Maybe you'll have to play both worlds or both sides of the coin.... or maybe you will want to focus on one for now.
-Steve knows the system well enough that he can go to a company and can really assess if the company can use adilas. And IF they are willing participant, you can really go places.
-We have to figure out how to market our product to those who are willing participants. You have to fire customers in a market as well, just like employees or those who aren't willing to go anywhere.
-A link on boxes with reps or something and those need help with various aspects - they could click a box and then a rep that has expertise in that area could help them or something like that
-Small & medium sized businesses - that is the current focus
-For some of the people - if you can't get to the trough and eat by yourself then maybe this is not the pasture for you.
-The ones who want something for nothing are not the people that are the kind of accounts you want. Maybe if we don't babysit them so much we can have them help themselves... so then we need to have the training in there, videos so that they can go there, figure it out themselves and get going
-Social media - if you could find a way to harness that, you could do hugely powerful things there
-Sub homepages: with a graphical interface that talks about the functions for that page and pushes essentially the technology and the training right in front of them - that could be rocking! Or in a side bar with help videos, side bars, graphical interfaces.... just one thing to keep in mind is that some people really like it right now how it is, so do you want to change up how they like to get in and work? Or do you just combine it somehow with what you have now?
-More and more the need is coming to be able to customize their application. To make it how they want it, what they want to see, or being able to create their own, they can pick and choose it how they want...
-More user-friendly - perception wise - we have to keep the elephant, we just have to make it bite size
-Use our advantages where we have them. So some of those are how nimble and flexible adilas still is. It is not so constrained, so instead of a little to go box, adilas is an eBuffet.
-Find a rep that has a vision to put in a little adilas training center in a major metropolitan area. Potentially customers would fly others in for little training or what not...
-We need more people on sales - how? Because the majority of the reps do consulting and setup.... but we need a sales force to really get adilas out there.
-Call centers - if they would want to take the product
-Sales forces - could you get sales teams in major metropolitan areas - could you use college students - could you spend a day at career and job fairs, get people on sales on commission, and then you could also get a setup team which is paid hourly or whatever
-You have such a prime target area with college students because they are so hungry to get working and get out into a market
-But we do need to close the gap between education and functionality
-Maybe they need Brandon focusing more on development and we may need to get someone else that is there teaching
-Maybe I need to meet some movers and shaker friends and get them going into the sales aspect....
-College job/career fairs
-Let's get the support up there - let's make it accessible, easy, clean, organized, focused --- so that we can continue to snowball and get more and more people involved and as all of that happens, it will continue to build and snowball, snowball
-eCommerce will be a huge opportunity - because to have a web presence to sell, it is about 8-20,000 to get that web presence and this is a much less expensive and excellent option
-Plant analogy - the process of time is important in this process, as the plant grows
-Joe's comment: You mean that I only have to sell them on one page/piece of adilas for them to sneak around the brick wall of tradition?
-What is your pain? We have something that can help you with that? Think of how great a product you have for such a service - that is powerful for a potential sales person... they could sell any aspect for any businesses need. That kind of product gives a sales individual incredible confidence if they can understand that and catch the vision.
-Have someone creating visual interfaces (custom wrappers) and putting them over the adilas engine
*They need people out selling adilas
-So maybe you don't want to spend time training customers but maybe you want to spend your time training reps
-Just keep going - things are growing and progressing but we need some amount of structure and support to really take it to the next level.
-So maybe this is way, way future - but I know Brandon had talked about getting this into business schools and getting students to train and do assignments on that - but then what if you were to be a presence in that school at a job/career fair and they already recognize the name, they are already familiar with the product and they know it's potential - then all of the sudden you have this potentially massive sales, setup and user force
-What does adilas do? - - - Basically anything you want!
-Should we raise the bar a little bit and go after bigger companies???? People that will either figure it out themselves or are willing to pay for the
-Brandon kept saying - we have a plan in place, let's keep advancing the ball and accelerating and just keep going.
-We have a hosted solution - that is the time for that - so let's see what we can do with that
-Do info blasts at colleges - 2 hour demo or in the business department - get out to people that can potentially go out and do your sales for you
-Do info blasts with reps
-We need to change the packaging of adilas - if you can dress it up it will potentially sell itself
-We almost need a power statement for adilas - an adilas in 30 seconds
-It is ripe! It is ready to get out.
-Maybe it would be cool to create a cool college type poster - so it does inventory, tracking, accounting, grad school tracking, CRM, - but also research tracking, project tracking, family history, etc., etc., etc.
-We NEED to get sales people!
-Have Santiago go to the business college, go the University
-Who are my sales buddies????
-Get a sales team leader - have them recruit and create a sales team
-Also do I now other coders, developers, graphics, marketing people....????
-Steve mentioned that he has never gotten to the point where he has had more sales than we have been able to handle at this point
-It's different from other sales as well, because you need those people with sales mentality but they also need to know the product
-Brandon - it's coming, it's coming, it's coming....
-There are a lot of people ready to help but we need some people that are ready to go out and sale
-Internet marketers - possibly a great sales force?
-We need people that can network and get things going, advancing the ball more and more and more and more....
-As it continues to progress and expand, you will eventually touch those people who will want to create those sales forces, who want to take it farther.
-If we do end up shifting the burning platform - no problem. We would all rather find bookkeeping people, they are great to find and you can get them almost anywhere, especially at the rates we could pay if we could get more product sold!
-We have got to find a way to sell more product!!!!
-We need to be able to support the support crew... it will get there... it's coming, it's coming....
-I enjoy problem solving things like this - so what part can I play to help
-Shari -expressing that she realized she is part of adilas and she wants to help it grow... she wants to help lighten loads and figure out what can be done
-We are here to support Steve - he needs help there.
-We're seeing to the future - the compensation will come, it will come.
-We might eventually need a tech support person that could handle all the tech support at some point - almost like a lot of these other services offer 24/7 support. Maybe though when you get enough clients, you can
*The key question for today: How do we find and create a good sales force?
-Or maybe we won't want a tech support but have it fielded for someone that has an expertise in that field - like the adilas world/mall idea - get someone who is professional in that area - they can handle the support for that question - that will be the most effective and a shared method. But also if you have the support, education, and training in place
-Sales will come, let's keep pushing on sales - but let's keep bringing up the support so that when we go to sale, we can have a huge infrastructure to support the sales that will come
-Maybe we need to change focus and work on support - maybe I need to focus with Brandon on the user guide, wait on the developer's notebook and move forward on training accessible to helping reps, users and everyone get up and going.
-If we could get those training videos up and going and have that support there - then maybe we can be ready to blast ahead and move forward and put in a huge structural piece for the sales to move forward
-We could possibly get some of these trainings and adilas university up in a month or so - profiles back up on the world - something like a $50 profile
-Adilas world - this deals with this above - Brandon saying that we could build that before next month's training - even if on a $500 budget
-The railroad project - an example from Brandon about the LDS temple being built and the prophet discussing that they had to take a break and take time to help build the railroad and there was some resistance but once the railroad is done they could transport so much faster and were able to
-We've got to figure out a way to sale what we have - and it is ready to sell right now!
-It's ready, it's ready, we can keep supporting - so maybe the focus does need to change toward sales - because you HAVE to have some amount of revenue to move forward
-Shari - if we build it, they will come. But we do need to help it grow & someday we'll have the big bag of candy & though it's not there right now, it will come
-Shari is really helping coordinate, reach out, organize and helping to grow
-It's here, it's built, it will come, we need the flow, we need to support each other and we need to move forward as well!
-Keep moving forward!
-Steve is there to look out for everyone, he wants to make sure every person is taken care of and he is concerned about that. Then we have to figure out what to do to support Steve.
-Are you prepared to let go of what you need to? ----- That is a powerful question!
*We need to get schools on board with this - especially the universities -we need to get this involved at the University level - we need students on adilas as the wave of the future for operations tracking and accounting - if you got some school accounts you could potentially have some of your biggest paying customers and then you are creating an instructed user base, a sales base, a consultant base and you are basically priming the next generation to use adilas and be successful
-We need to get adilas into the education system at every level - and interesting thought - if we are so concerned about getting our education up to the level we want - why don't we utilize any aspect we can that every educational system has to offer
-We need WAY more people at trainings each month if we are going to continue to do them. Maybe we need smaller fliers to pass out individually, maybe we need free ads posted, maybe we need fliers up in prime locations - like the University - like the school of business - we need to do our part to bring people to come because. We should have at least 20 people at each class and hopefully the majority of them are new and potential clients
****Why can't adilas right now, raise every customers base price, by some percentage, and every new client that comes in, put them in the new pricing tier **** It's already so much cheaper - maybe too cheap - people understand that rates go up typically by percentages every year. You guys have to know that you are worth it!!!! Automatically updates - you are not re-selling every few year. This product is not what people have originally had and just express that we have to increase the rates to match the product being given.
-Make sure you ask people for what your worth and as you are worth more - you should be asking for more
-You guys have to grow with how you are growing, you have got to cover your costs as well - we have to cover what we are offering you right now
****Raise the pricing structure a blanket amount and then if you have other customers that have been longtime customers give them a preferred customer discount (like a blanket 10% and maybe long-time preferred customers at 5%???) ****
***Adilas has been growing and expanding as have the costs associated with that. The prices may need to reflect that.
-They want to get to the place where they can charge for usage rates but we are not quite there yet.
-Adilas needs its own eCommerce - set prices for rates - create pricing tiers that you can follow and
-Want to turn in adilas to a hosting company - the product is free but you will pay for what you do with adilas as the hosting company.
-The what about(s)....? And the how come(s).....? Are what bury Steve and Brandon so if there is a way to relieve the pressure
-If you can get people who will consume it themselves - STUDENTS - prime target, they already know how to use these, they like to explore, they just fly on this and they can consume it and pass it on and just go to town on all of this stuff
*The future of adilas is as bright as potentially anything could be - but maybe we just need the fuel to get there
-Look at what the competition is giving and at what price to help create your pricing structure
*Does it need to move right now to the modular focus and so that they could get pricing in place - so that they are paying for usage - modular mode - a natural price increase time.... so some could snip off some pricing and others could add to it for holding their pdf docs and what not - so people are willing to pay to access that in the modular unit
-Potential for investors????
-There are a lot of challenges with this particular business - so much there - but it's a little different beast so how do you handle those challenges
-We need to get some canned demos and some canned commercials
-We need companies that have someone who can be the ones writing SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) and move forward on that
-You can charge in many different ways. By usage seems like it would be the best - but you could charge by "room", like the kitchen, or the garage, or....
****You could get a change in the price right now when you set people up with eCommerce you change adjust their prices right there. And all those clients who are not going to use eCommerce, let them know you are going to have a blanket increase of 10% or whatever**** This is something that could be done right now! ****
-Let's get the younger generation involved as much as we can - they are primed to work in a system like this
*Great meeting - lots of input