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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2014 3:38 pm
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Time Id: 2136
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Denver
Start Date: 7/17/2013
Main Status: Active

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DAY 2 - JULY 17th: Idea for focus - CRM, eCommerce, Flex-grid, Elements of time
Review/demo with Steve
-Going over PO creation, getting inventory in
-Can use reference number to help select specific groups, for closeout items or etc.
-Verify & lock PO's - is really a communication tool between off site receiving & another site for accounting - allows to verify that things have been received....
-Much easier to just get the little swiper or key it into adilas so that all of your data is there & tracked. Much easier than having a separate card swiping system which you have to record approval numbers back from the batch, etc., etc. Much easier if it is all contained in adilas. Adilas also can connect all of the info from the swipe - the approval number has a drill down with all of the details and you can even void a transaction in adilas if it's within that business day and the batch hasn't been settled
-Covering credit card transactions - people really want to be able to use this function for demos
-"This is an eBusiness buffet, have fun!" - Brandon
Back training with Brandon
***Training, education, education, training! Obviously that is why we are even in Denver but there is such a need for it! We have a lot of exciting things coming and it will be so exciting to get the user guide up and going with interactive videos and education from the conceptual level through tech level
*IDEA: (apparently already recorded) but have a template for inputting new employees, to help save on time
-Customer Tax ID# - a great field to just modify to what you need (for Russ with family history, maybe this is their Reference tag)
-Customers: a fun little demonstration with Danny & Santiago
-Customers throughout the morning
-Training & questions on customers (CRM)
-Elements of time - often the question is presented - can you get it to prompt you? Push technology -Fits into round 2 of elements of time
-IDEA: It would be cool in the follow ups or whatever... is to have the dates on the mini calendar as a link that automatically populates field - way too much work for right now - automated will come in the future.
*COOL - Something I did not know, but is a cool little thing. You can add links in the adilas logs... there is an automatic link if you fill in the web address for the customer... but also by html compatible log notes... which for Russ's question for family history essentially means every log note you make - say for referencing census reports, death records, etc., etc. - you can add html text to create a hyperlink in your log note, so you could reference right to that sight... that is pretty snazzy (with family history, I don't know how reliable the site sources are, or if you need a scan or pic from it???)
*It is going to be so fantastic and incredibly powerful to have the "create your own buttons" for what you do or look at or need to get to fast, etc. or being able to write custom code for your specific purposes. Really neat stuff!
-When you know where things are stored and you know your methodology it is amazing how easy and the capacity you have to pull that information.
-Copy and paste emails to the log, then you have all of the information and the entire story that has occurred... as much as you put in, you can get back
-Additional contacts is a great place to add subs or things like "Ship To", "Shipping Address" or whatever you need
-I love that adilas is created to be not limiting - - so many applications don't let you do certain things or don't allow certain things because for various reasons they limit it to a specific scope or don't realize other capabilities
-Cool sounding function on elements of time where you could track sub dates and time under a project... then you could track your final amount of time or so forth and invoice for it or know how long a project took you
-Elements of time - you can add up your time and billing if you'd like - for it to auto-calculate and help you with some of those things enter them as mains. Sub dates and times can be good for tracking a project but it does not auto calculate your time but maybe if you don't have a specific hourly rate and just want to decide on a total when you're done or something, that might be a good way to go with subs. Depends on what you want - just like with all of adilas... what is your goal? Then let’s choose the best route to achieve that.
-Pre-set your calendar view in the settings area - you can put it in calendar view, time slot, showing what you want, etc., etc., etc. Of course from the home page, you can swap to differing views. Lots of cool stuff. I need to get more up to speed on elements of time and flex grid
*REQUEST/IDEA: Clients have been asking for a connection between customer log notes and elements of time. Basically asking to put a follow-up on the calendar, etc., etc. Brandon mentioned that might fit well with a setting. Maybe an element of time....? Brought up in class by Steve.
-I think it is instructive how we work through step by step and problem solve many times. So working through turning on a permission and then adding the setting when it doesn't show up and just adjusting things so that users know that there are ways to fix things or get back to what we wanted or my goal was.
-eCommerce overview - super neat stuff coming with this...
-I think it is cool that people working on the eCommerce are already getting their own exposure to adilas... :) - also an unanticipated aspect I had not thought of is building customer profiles.
-Returns - 'think negative invoice' - but be careful with that, it is not a blanket statement... because what if you have something returned that you can't use again or etc., etc., etc.
-Sometimes it is so amazing to me, that you click a few settings or permission buttons and your entire look, feel, capability can change entirely... same product, which we know but sometimes I still find it astounding because it is SO different from any other product, amazing!
*Whoa! So much cool future development! All sorts of fantastic stuff coming! - Marketing, business aspects, tools, promos, etc., etc., etc.
*IDEA: Track who is logging in to eCommerce. Possibly somehow route it to the Queue??? Maybe flag it somewhere else??? (May possibly be in the code already???)
-Been down digging tons of tunnels and kind of wondering why no one else is down here but they are trying to spread the word and invite others down to dig down here. And there will be many more to come!
-Currently - adilas is a business tool. Future - adilas as a business and marketing tool.
-Brief overview of flex grid
-Flex grid: essentially creating and stacking your own customizable database on top of what adilas already has. (Create your own database)
-User maintained history aspect: essentially any note you want to create, or any info you want to log that isn't already tracked, user maintained notes, etc.
-Custom fields: so many possibilities here! What do you want to track, how many categories, sub categories, etc....?