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Title/Caption: Adilas 3 Day Training Notes - Denver
Start Date: 7/16/2013
Main Status: Active

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Adilas July 3 Day Training Notes - Denver   Doc/Text 7/16/2013

General Notes for Adilas Training in Denver
Day 1 - Tues. July 16th - Focus: sales and inventory
Steve - demo/overview:
-Mainly covering sales - shopping cart, interfaces,
-Cool demo and overview with serialized and stock units
-Think it up, and then let adilas try to follow your flow
*IDEA: Steve mentioned that it would be neat to get someone on a demo... or maybe we could even film them and put it online.... but get a user that uses a touchscreen (like those that have a touch screen/computer flat together, it tilts) they can just go to town on their touch screen
*IDEA: Maybe this is kind of like what Brandon & I talked about when we visited the Mixing Bowl... but that would be really neat to do some high quality filming on locations to see how various users use adilas... like type thing... that would really be so neat and could be a great asset for marketing... just a quality little video demo with really users
-Recipes - Build & hold/Build & sell
*Cannot overemphasize how important setup is! SETUP is critical - that makes users happy, satisfied and that can create more successful adilas users.
*IDEA: Would it be worthwhile to have a special training for reps and consultants to specifically help them be effective with setups? Helping consultants so they can help their clients.
-Ability to archive - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) right onto their site, so that the company can have its specific guidelines for use - that is really neat
*Adilas - REAL TIME, anytime and can be SO incredibly effective and help your client to be successful when you give them the correct tools (setup), and help them to use it successfully - *No lag time with understanding what is going on with your business, you can know everyday
*Dream it up - and you can make it happen! It is what YOU WANT! That is one of the greatest features for users!
-Adilas Project - Steve called it - I'd never heard them mention that term but I liked it. Adilas is trying to help business owners accomplish their goals and be successful.
-Just getting clients/users going... you can start them with a little bit and add more pieces as they are ready for more, wanting to incorporate more. You can fill in the backend later. Just get them using the system on a daily basis and then you can incorporate other aspects as you go.
-The most important thing is to know what your client wants, needs, what are their goals? Then set them up in a way that they can accomplish that and understand how to be successful. Mirror the physical in the virtual. (What they do with their hands - do in adilas.)
Back with Brandon:
-Planning out what you want on paper - very useful tool
-Setting up a consulting business
-How many worlds = corporations (EINs, entities)? Locations - various locations under the same corporation or entity
-Print help file on the main page when you set someone up so that you can get them back in should they log themselves out...
-I think a great thing Brandon did is having them walk them through functions - when something was missed, or just general practice and repetition
-Rep: get all the info you can independently before you start - like tax settings, etc., etc. Then anything they need you can go through with them... but get what you can before the sit down setup.
*IDEA: connect a video link to the permissions and settings area so that people could watch a brief blurb instead of reading the info to the side if desired - idea from Russell
Back from lunch:
-A brief history of adilas - started from a question of how long has adilas been sold
-It is so interesting how much your goal really does affect what we do in training or how we use or work with adilas tools -
-So many ways to play the game or get what you need/want - i.e. they were talking about duplicating the PO's for generic items to switch locations... so many great tools
-People LOVE the Quick Search when they see how it can be used
-When people see what adilas can do, they LOVE it! It's just getting them to be able to see, understand, and use adilas successfully.
-You can start from SO many different places. When you have parts you can start your cart from there, you can quick search start, you can start with customers, etc., etc.
-Remember to use your browser tools and assets
-Be consistent in adding your items with everything (customers, part numbers, just keep it the same - all lower case or first letter of word capped, etc.
-People love seeing the possibilities - they love seeing the speed, they love seeing things that make their work faster, easier, more efficient - all of the tracking, accountability barcodes, reporting - history, quick buttons, my cart favorites etc., etc., etc.
-My cart favorite buttons - pretty snazzy stuff