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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/8/2014 2:23 pm
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Time Id: 2130
Template/Type: Other Documentation
Title/Caption: Adilas Team Meeting Notes
Start Date: 4/25/2014
Main Status: Active

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-Do we need to reach out near the end of the year to help clients be reconciled and in balance? That may be something we need to think of, so we don't have panic mode from anyone at the end of the year.
-We need some sort of setup help, education and training for all new clients. Setup and training - set people up for success.
-Hands on time with clients to help them get up and running.
-We need to come up with some specific training for ....
-Industry specific training sessions???
-Would it be beneficial to have a place to setup and have people there - an open forum type setting to help clients.
-Or do we need to offer custom classes and charge per seat?
-Adilas training store - adilas training center - even like a little space in a shopping mall, you could even have hardware, POS system plugins etc., and have the opportunity to teach classes, have one on one, consult, etc., etc.

-We also may need to put up a list of things we recommend to plug and play with - to help filter some of the questions
-Our current model is that we are kind of trying to do 3 jobs - consulting, training, and sales.... everyone doing all of the jobs
-But maybe our new model needs to be something more like: consultants, sales, and training all as different jobs/aspects
-Project management for custom code and future projects - moving to some sort of an approval process
-Washington DC Payroll taxes - we need up next - already funded - project going to a developer who has already been working on payroll taxes
-Industry specific custom interfaces - there is a need for that within industries - we still want that flexibility and ability to create a generic option to use throughout that industry.... but it would be great to make custom interfaces and custom code projects per client - because that is where the need really is
-API interfaces - having clients fund the projects - maybe even a standard customization per industry and then the option for custom interface, custom anything per client - that they pay for
-Developer's Queue - put it in the system, they can even self attribute themselves there, funding from the clients, approval process, submissions, etc.
-Custom training -

-Internal projects (which we internally prioritize, etc.), industry specific projects, custom projects per client specifically
-Adilas World - an internal project we may need very soon
-Custom interfaces, etc - Craig had a great analogy - he was saying you buy a car from a manufacturer - core adilas - what we do. But it is like taking your car to a custom car shop and getting custom wheels, custom paint, custom etc., etc. The client is still paying monthly payments to the manufacturer (adilas) but they are also paying money for their custom pieces (developers).
-Adilas fee for adilas world - subscription for adilas world
-Users group - crowd sourcing funding, participate in the users group for the development of new features which the user group prioritizes. But you could also have them fund it, or it could dictate when you have enough people that are willing to pitch in to that project and when you finally have the funding there. Then that project can start being worked on.
-What do we need to help adilas clients succeed?
-What do we need to do to map it out? To help them understand and accomplish what they need?
-Consultants - hourly + commission
-Sales - need a bird dog fee + a piece of the commission

-Training - right now is free - it needs to be part of the product - it has to hold hands for it to work
-Training Center - fund a client training center from a certain amount of the monthly fees for the client center - basically a new expense for adilas to help pay for the training that needs to happen (a certain % from clients in that area)
-If they pay for the product they get the training - training center - this is probably better for training all around - it is hard to train someone at their place of business. The training is free but they are still responsible for getting themselves down to the training center - but it is there for them to access for their training
-Training for that town or area - someone that could pick that up for that area
-Certifications for our training - to an adilas standard - but get someone that can help setup that training center
-We need to come up with some kind of a model that works in these metropolitan areas for clients to get in and get the training they need and be able to accomplish that
-At some point we may even get to where we have a center manager that adilas pays
-Enterprise tools for pennies

-It would be great if we could dial in on some of these distinctions between sales, consulting, and training, etc.
-Because our prices are so affordable - it creates a barrier to entry for others - so how can we help get these people trained and supported so that they are successful?
-Incentivize clients bringing on other clients and sales, or potentially a season pass approach, 10% off when you pay for your year up front, etc.
-Hosting & processing fees - so basing all of the pricing off of hosting, storage, etc. So really basing it on user use.
-We win with volume
-Funding future projects - is it time to draw a line in the sand? And projects from here on out, do they get funded?
-We need packaging/batching - and probably very quickly
-Price tag & pledge for upcoming pieces - that way the users/clients can really help dictate what they want by what they are willing to pay for
-Also show the customers what the whole price tag really is for that - but then say we will lift off after "this" amount, that way they also see how much input and development really is involved, and they may be more willing to help and input pieces to contribute to the process
-Packaging, Batching & Package Control, Conversions, Actual Costing/Pricing - these are all part of that packaging piece
-Queue - Content server up in the next week, then Adilas World & with Adilas World bate the first project with a $5,000 price tag for packaging - that is the order/plan for the next couple weeks

-To do list:
*Content Server
*Adilas World
*Packaging - batching, conversion, actual pricing, quick search,

-Adilas stores - training centers - if we can get the right person in some of these training centers - someone who can see the vision
-Additional training - free training
-If we could get to the point where some of these training centers are funded - that would be so fantastic, really helpful
-A lot could happen if we could get some training centers up and running
-Categorizing training that we already have done - categorizing and summarizing for easy use of the training videos
-Adilas University could be the leader for these training centers - training the trainers
-Hey I want to be the adilas university of - Chicago, Denver
-What if we even sold the adilas university as a franchise???

-You get it, you run it, but you must meet our certifications and our standards, you pay to get this setup, maybe you can get funded again from client base in that area
-Setup with a consultant/training - like Shari that can really help them get up and running correctly
-When a new person comes on - see if there is an offsite place we can meet or someone that can take care of your business so that you can meet them elsewhere so you can get some focused time on adilas
-Even a day can just help get the clients started and going in the right direction
-Start off with the right principles and practices
-Take the time to set things up the right way and get them into a position where they have the ability to run and move forward
-Setup/consultants, but we also want to have bookkeepers or someone that we could pass some of these clients off to, so they can help run some of these things for clients. That way key players can unload some of their plates.