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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 5/8/2014 2:15 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2115
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 4/8/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-For me… Just keep going – you have a good plan and it is written down. That is huge! Just keep going. If we can’t get to it yet, at least write it down and we’ll circle back around. This is basically a way to pave the road for future projects.
-At some point, it would be nice to add an adilas forum (using elements of time) and let users comment on different things.
-For our own internal projects… we need to figure out a system that helps us go from water, to slush, to ice on our own projects. See elements of time #1762 inside of adilas university site for more details. (8/30/13)
-Notes from April 2014 General Conference. Lots of good answers to prayers.
-Circle back and do what has already been revealed. Go back through my notebook and make sure things are done and cleaned up. This will provide some peace of mind.

Notes from a phone call with Steve and with an adilas rep out of Denver:

- We need to help build a set of standardized spreadsheets to help with data imports and import tools. We are thinking about vendors, users, items, customers, and maybe financial accounts.
- Angle for sales… If people want something, they’ll pay for it. This helps us get what we need.
- On imports… we need a price structure which will help us to regain funds for using it.
- User and consultant levels… building it vs. operating it – big difference and some people get it and some people don’t get it. There are different levels. Our goal is to help where possible.
- The rep has a need to migrate adilas data from one system to another. Basically, cut off an old system and start completely new or fresh. Think about selling a business. They want to keep some of the old and then be able to start new.
- Application flex grid – getting data from other systems – including data from adilas to adilas.
- It is all about “interconnectivity”.
- Having a fresh start or fresh re-start of a business is worth some money. Pull only certain pieces as needed to the new system. It would also be cool if certain users still had access to the old system.
- A new start could be compared to a snake shedding its skin. This would be virtual pieces that need to be broken off. As businesses change, their needs change, and the way that they do business changes. We need to be able to flow with them to that new level.
- There will be more and more demands for the API (application programming interface) as we go along. The goal will be to mix and blend as needed.
- Packaging is still a very hot topic with some of these customers. Packaging meaning subs of parts and items. Package controls and package monitoring.
- For 3rd part plug-ins and standalone snap-on extensions. We need to have some sort of “pay to play” type agreements. This could be development costs or a commission or kickback structure.
- We need to present our future projects to the public so that we can create awareness and get community funding for those projects. Think of water, slush, and ice to get the jobs done. On adilas university, reference elements of time #1762 on 8/30/13 for more details.
- Elements of time was added to the system because we found that our future growth depended on it. Well, it’s time to move forward with some of those needs.
- I’m seeing a need to get all of our research and plans posted for others to see. Some people may not care a bit for what we offer. Others may really enjoy and gain great knowledge from what we offer in concept, principles, and in practice. The cool thing is that we have applied tons of these different pieces over the years. That is awesome.
- For Steve, we may want to open up all three servers for adding new accounts.