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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 4/8/2014 12:03 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2033
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 2/13/2014
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-An intern and I talked about the check-off or sign-off process for code. We determined about levels… (Little sketch on notebook page – see scans in photo gallery)

Scratch (testing & development) – Sign-off (line by line, try to break it, check everything, details) – Approval – Use or Deploy to the full adilas system
During the sign-off phase… We need to:

- Check structure and layout
- Spacing, tabs, aesthetics
- Comments, documentation, hints, and tips
- Code and verifying logic (try to break it)
- Spelling, output, results
- Check for useless arms (like a T-rex)

The intern then boiled that down into:

- Backend, coders, & maintenance – (nerds & techs)
- Runtime & execution – (computers and servers)
- Frontend & users & output – (users & people) & (Web & API – (unknown usages))
-Use elements of time for classes and training. We could use the calendar, the notes, the types or colors, the photo gallery, and soon the media/content section. The other content could be agendas, links to video recordings, and any other handouts or documents that are used. It will be cool to put and keep everything all together.

-This is an idea that I had years and years ago but I’d like to record it again in part… I would love to use adilas as the backbone tracking software for a multi-person, multi-company challenge that has different people or groups try to build new hybrid engines that use 10-12 different forms of energy. Basically, set the rules of the challenge, set-up a prize for the winners, and then use adilas to track the whole process from start to finish. This would be all the inventory, expenses, draws, deposits, elements of time, events, photos, scans, documents, etc. Part of the game would be that they, the participants, would have to use adilas and report their progress and findings to the world through updates and documentation. Run the contest for a year and even help cover the different teams through video, TV, or something to help document the process. One huge key is that all of the findings and ideas would become public knowledge. Help push the ball forward. There are hybrid engines or energy sources out there already… what if we brought them all together into a multi-hybrid system. The contest would be on the toy or smaller level. Once we work out details and ideas, we could then take those ideas to different bigger industries. See other notebooks for other ideas.

-My sister did some great training on permissions and settings. She made a small Word document with the ideas all laid out. Maybe think of ways to break the permissions and settings into smaller subjects, topics, and categories. If we could take it to a visual level, that would be awesome. Maybe think about the adilas map or the GPS core layout graphic as the visual top level layout.
As a note, the first part of March 2014 we started to change our approach… Permissions and settings are tools to help with custom usage and custom functionality. Maybe focus more on the outcome vs. the tools.
-As we get deeper and deeper… Maybe start using elements of time as our own social media venue. It could be like combining Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn all in one. This involves people (vendors, users, customers), logs, photos, scans, media, other content, events, dates, notes, sharing, etc. In a way, that is kind of our plan with adilas world, adilas university, and adilas in general. Adilas = All Data Is Live And Searchable!

-Along with the idea above about using adilas as a social media venue… what if we could also combine other pieces of the puzzle such as links to their personal websites, calendar events, eCommerce, history of interactions and transactions, etc. Bring things together. This could be frontend, backend, sales, support, availability, resources, options, etc. When you start talking systems or system thinking, you really start bringing things together.
-Think about the movie “Up” from Disney & Pixar. Maybe do a virtual commercial to help tell the story of what is going on and growth that has occurred. There is a fun section in the movie “Up” where it shows a story and no words are used for 5-10 minutes. In a quick way, you get familiar with the story and the characters. I would love to do that to help users understand that adilas has grown up from a baby to an adult and is still growing. If they, the users or investors, understand the history, it will help them see the vision and potential of the future. We could use this to help sell or pitch ideas, recruit help, raise awareness, and even solicit funds to help fund projects. I love the concept of using history and cause and effects to tell an unfolding story.

-As a side note, my brother did a historical recap of Bible stories and events and brought them forward into current events. He did this as a number of us were sitting around a picnic table during a family BBQ. I was totally captivated by the story and seeing how one thing created the next and the next and the next. The deeper you get, the more you could see how the cause and effect consequences both made the story and even helped feed the next steps. Very interesting. This brother is a master story teller and loves mixing history with current events. Great skill to have!
-Tools are created by people to help them do a job. Some tools are designed for both good and bad. Some tools are very generic and may be used for both good and/or bad. Imagine a hammer, a saw, and a drill. These same generic tools could build a church, a school, a house, or something for business. These same tools that build for good, are also used for destruction, war, weapons, and vice/sin. These tools aren’t bad… It comes back to the agency of the person that uses the tool and what they intend… Adilas is a generic tool. I hate to say this, but it may end up being used for various different outcomes. The tool is generic. The usage depends on the users.