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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 2/6/2014 11:28 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1904
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 12/19/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

• On a conference call with some folks from Texas. They had some questions about bank balances, balance sheets, etc. Small training session on those pieces. We also changed some colors and showed them some new tools. Good session.
• An intern came over and we had a planning and brainstorming session on how we are going to setup adilas and all of the server and cluster structures. Lots of drawing and sketching of ideas. We also started listing out goals, needs, and known issues. We decided that we would use corp key id’s, allow unique aliases if needed, and make the corporation id’s all come from the master control center. We also determined that users would be help in a master list as well. We would have records on the admin master level, the cluster level, and the world level. Users may also have a local or inter world id and an id that is global or outer world id. Each world will mostly use the inter world id numbers. The more global or outer world id number will only be used to determine cross world or cross cluster relationships. Also, I gave the intern a copy of some of the adilas code for his home machine. I think that will help him get his head around things better for future projects. Safety and security through sharing.
• Went in to Bridgerland for the last class session of the year. We had 3 interns there and my sister. My sister taught us for an hour on expense/receipts and how seeing the bigger picture helps us understand the system thinking. As you get the bigger picture, you start looking at cause and effect relationships. As you start seeing cause and effect relationships, you start formulating goals and desired outcomes. Once you have a goal or have an anticipation of what an action does, you have more focus and are able to get to the task at hand. In a way having the goal and knowing how to get the outcome helps you move around the system better.

Another interesting concept was dealing with a super flexible interface and then slowly becoming more rigid or linear. Think of driving to school... You could come from any direction until you get to the school. Once you get there, you most likely have to use an existing door to get in. Then once inside, you may have more halls, corners, levels, etc. Once you get to the classroom, you may be limited to one or two doors to actually enter the room. Interesting analogy.

This relates to tons of things in life. My sister also used the white board and adilas map as visuals to help with her lesson. Good stuff. We then went into the system and played around with specific goals and cause and effects in mind. After that, all of us boys did a session in ColdFusion on the photo gallery for elements of time. This project is ¾ of the way done but has been sitting on the sidelines since 10/10/13. At the end of class we had each person come up to the whiteboard and map out the flow and pages for elements of time. I would say a page and how it was connected and the guys would draw the pages and flow on the board. I thought it was really fun and good way to visually figure out what was there or part of the tool set. 30 miles.

• Emails, giving my dad some files and recording notes in my notebook. It’s been a good day.