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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 11/6/2013 5:30 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1844
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 10/28/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-“Adilas Diversity” – There is strength in diversity. This was a quote from my dad while on a walk this morning.
-We had a request to tie a customer address right to Google maps or have some way to auto connect through a hyperlink.
-The deeper we get, the more people want to reverse look-up different pieces of the puzzle. Basically, we create a relationship from one thing to another. We then show that relationship. What we are finding is that people want to see the reflexive side of that same relationship. Basically, if a relationship exists they want to go back or forward to follow the relationship. IN a nutshell, they want a roll call page of what is connected to what and can I get there from piece to piece quickly. Very interesting!
-Along those same lines – reflexive back and forth compatibility, I was talking to my brother and he wanted to be able to link to a media/content piece (file) and then also have the ability to go from an item to a file and also from a file to an item. Both or any direction(s).