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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 10/17/2013 10:35 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1798
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 9/13/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Referral marketing idea… $10.00 a head per day for active participation in the free adilas training course. This goes to the person who got somebody to go to training. Cap it at $100 per day or 10 people per person who did the inviting. The person who attends the training doesn’t get paid; they just get the free training and get inspired. The benefit to adilas is in the referral marketing and realizing how for that training can go. People love our product once they know how to use it. If they don’t take the time to learn it is like expecting a saw and a drill to build your porch. If you know how to use the tools, you (meaning the person not the tools) can then build a porch. Tools require skilled operators! Why not incentives or encourage people to get trained. I wrote a whole email with this idea in a proposal type format. See the email from 9/13/13 with the subject of “A referral marketing idea.”
-Along with this same referral marketing idea… We could do different amounts for smaller blocks. Say $5 a head for smaller 2 or 3 hour demo sessions. This $5 a head helps pay the rep for opening his/her mouth. Then hopefully they, the reps, could pick up new accounts and/or get one-on-one demos setup. It is a small little amount up front with the possibilities of landing actual real deals.
-Maybe we could try small info sessions and do ice cream or pizza or pay the per head amount. Basically, most people don’t want to give up their time and effort for nothing.
-We may also get certain people and pay them to man booths, tables, or do flyers. Ideally, these would be reps that know the product and could get some business out of the events.
-As a note, if we did do the referral marketing ideas… We may need some way to verify things to make sure people don’t say they have a certain number of people and they really don’t. Just as ideas… a video of the session, a photo, a recording, paper reviews, contact info, or a digital sign-in sheet. The digital sign-in sheet could help the rep get back in touch with the people who come to the events, training, demos, or work sessions. Heck, they could eve use adilas, create an element of time and assign customers (prospects) to the element of time. Once we add a photo gallery for time, they could document the event. Tons of options.
-Another idea is to co-sponsor an event with an adilas rep or consultant. Then the visiting adilas team member could vouch for what goes on and numbers for the event.
-Tons and tons of mini events, training sessions, and demos. Small blasts may work better than multi=day training events.
-An idea from my brother – show the potential of each group within adilas. There are 12 main player groups. Set up a teaser video that shows what is possible and what flavors each group had and/or is capable of. Almost to the commercial level per group. For example: Invoices are one of the 12 groups.
-Invoices could have customer, multi-customer, no customer; tied internally to a stock/unit, be a transfer invoice, be a transition invoice, be an eCommerce invoice, have one line item, multi lines, hidden lines, mixed tickets, elements of time, on account, single payments, multi payments, change due, disclaimers, custom verbage, special paperwork, photos and scans, signature lines, different views and sizes, etc., etc. Show the group overview in a commercial type video setting.
-We are going to need a centralized place for our visual teaching tools, graphics, analogies, video clips, and other animations and assets. This could be on adilas university or under the button on the interactive map that reads “objects & data over time”. That button is right smack dab in the middle of the map.
-On eCommerce, we need a setting that will allow shipping to be skipped. For example: a downloadable product or a service or a booking or reservation or a rental. Adilas does reoccurring payments and monthly subscriptions, that doesn’t need any shipping info. We might need the option to be smart… meaning can the system tell if the items be purchased are physical or unlimited.
-We need the option of sending an email with custom verbage and/or custom information. This could be general day-to-day use or notices or it could be part of eCommerce. As a note, this email and/or text message capability may need to be a setting or a one-to-many between corporations and items or corporations and transaction types. It may also need to be dynamic or user driven.
-We need to ask a few different corporations for permission to show other potential clients or people how they use adilas. This would be strictly for demo purposes. Another idea is to literally make a small commercial of how they use adilas. We could film them using it, them showing it, and then let them see the final video. Then we wouldn’t even access to their site.
-Dealing with tools that we expect to do the job without any manual intervention…. I was thinking about the Disney/Pixar movie “Wall-E”. At one point the captain is presented a user manual (a book). The captain gives a verbal command of “Manual Open!” Instead of saying manual like a user manual he says it like a Hispanic name of Manuel. Eventually the robot Auto (huge play on words) physically opens the book for the captain. This whole scene is a light play on words between manual and auto. Long story short – we almost expect tools to be at an auto level. However, many tools are made for manual usage and do nothing of themselves. Think of a power saw and a power drill – they will just sit there until picked up and used. In the right hands, those two tools can help to make beautiful work and do a great job.