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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 10/17/2013 10:30 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1792
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 9/6/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Not all progress comes from check lists.
-Maintenance – what a huge key.
-Load sharing and load balancing. This is for people as well as for high tech computers and servers. Many hands make light work.
-We need to tie-in the web page documentation to the main adilas site. This is part of the “tech” level of what is going on.
-Here is your challenge… work yourself out of a job.
-“Again” – what a great word.
-“Let’s see if we can break it!” – The more effort you have put into something, the less likely you want to break it, but many time, if you break it and make it better then you make it stronger. Human nature doesn’t like to make more work. The process of building and breaking, building and breaking takes tons of work. Sometimes you just have to do it because it needs to be done!
-A friend of mine – “Give seeds away.” Share the potential with others. A seed has huge potential but needs to be planted and cared for.
-I was talking with my friend on the phone. We were talking about different projects and how much time and energy things take. He put it this way, “What are you willing to do for money? Is it worth it?” Sometimes we need to look around and see what our priorities are and then readjust from there.
Notes from a phone call with Steve:
- We would like and could have tons of outside interfaces. This could be eCommerce solutions and tons of other things that come to us or piggy-back on what we have to offer. We wouldn’t care at all if we had 20 different eCommerce packages that could be bolted on to the main adilas option as part of the API or independent services. Bring it on!
- Link all of the pieces together. We have tons of data and tons of options. Help the people link everything together.
- On the news and update page… We would like to show the fully history of what was on that page. Including links and photos. This comes back to education and training.
- Maybe put something like… We are flying pretty fast – click here to review if you’ve missed something.
-Document and archive the adilas database tables and fields. This will also be part of the API. This is another level or layer of the “tech” level of adilas.
-Also with the database documentation, it would be cool to show a visual map and how different pieces play together. Help in the learning processes. Lots of time database level information is reserved for backend techs. If we could make it fun and teach the general public, it would increase their knowledge and understanding. This increase ns knowledge will eventually help in future creativity and ideas.
-On the API documentation… We need to handle all encoding and decoding on our end. We don’t want other people playing with that piece of the puzzle. That may take a little bit more work but will help with security.
-After reviewing a training video, that my brother did, from the first adilas training class, I was thinking about cause and effect relationships. The more you think about it, the more your accounting is a virtual cause and effect relationship or a byproduct of your day-to-day operations. Why would you even need accounting unless you do something? In real life sometimes you have to account for things that you didn’t do as well as things you did. In a way, it is how you spent your time and does that have an effect on something else? Accounting is the natural cause and effect or consequences of being in business or even existing (if you go way out).