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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 9/18/2013 4:34 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1751
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 8/10/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-Adilas university was originally going to be for adilas clients. I can actually see it being used more by reps than clients. Or maybe used by reps for clients. They (the reps) go and do some research and then they, person to person, teach the concepts. That way, they make the money from the training.
-I used to say “as is”. Steve likes to say “as is now” meaning it will continue to progress or go forward. I like it with the word “now” attached to it. Kind of fun.
-We have had the request to add wholesale pricing settings to adilas eCommerce options. Basically, the wholesale people want to show everything except for prices unless, or until, the customer logs in. Once they know that they have a valid customer, they want to show the shopping cart and wholesale prices. The system needs to be sharp enough to determine a login and a customer type. It will then either show or hide the pricing.
-This hasn’t been asked for yet, but Steve mentioned that it would be cool if we could show retail pricing for the general public and wholesale pricing for wholesale customers. We will tackle this as it comes up.
-Round two of elements of time is gaining momentum. This would include job costing, special payroll, rentals, reservations, bookings and virtual dispatch type functions.
-Eventually, these subs of time (functions of time) that are listed above will also need to be eCommerce ready and available. What it the availability? Can I reserve this? Can I book this? Can I pay for this online? Time is very important.
-When we get time, it would be cool to circle back around and check the permissions. There are a number of “black” or “under constructions” permissions that need a little bit of loving. They are:
- Read Email
- Inventory Special Search
- Build A New Report
- Rentals
- Reoccurring Internal Invoices
- Migration – Old Data
- Add/Edit Payment Type
- Cross Corp Billing
- Any Corp Billing
- System Monitors
-When dealing with the API (application programming interface) use the system to create a special transaction key or API code for security. We may want more than one and make it somewhat random so that each corp will be unique or special.