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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 9/18/2013 4:29 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1741
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 8/28/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

• Recording notes from day 1 of the training event. Fixed a small bug that we found in training yesterday. Posted new files online.
• Working on the add core data portion for the teacher and the teacher/student interface. Working on the add core data points page and how the custom flow for the flex grid will work. Making progress.
• Went in to town for day two of adilas training. We covered some world building concepts and spent quite a bit of time on the adilas formula flyer and talking about mixing and blending of options. We have the formula: Results = Mix (Functions, Players, Concepts). We ended up talking about lots of different options and what is needed for each section. Lots of mixing and blending of features. We talked about customers, logs, statements, receivables, eCommerce, general web presence, elements of time, and flex grid tie-ins. Our day ended up having a light flavor of custom code and custom interfaces. We introduced the saying – “Dream it up, we’ll wire it up!”. The other thing that was kind fun was drawing traditional accounting vs. our objects and data over time model. Lots of dreams and concepts. We ended the day just talking about photos and random concepts. That was kind of fun as well. 30 miles.
• Working on the school project for our teacher contact.
• Finished up a rough version of the add core for students section. It was rough and kind of duct taped but we got it up and online.
• Went over to the teacher’s home that we are working with and talked about the different teachers. A few teachers were there; they were excited and want the full program as soon as possible. Interestingly enough, they are wanting options to add things in bulk. I think that it is interesting… once you figure out a simple process; people want to do it faster and faster. Kind of interesting. Good meeting and I was glad that one of the teachers who is currently a client and has been to some of our trainings before was there, she is quite sharp.