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Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 9/18/2013 4:15 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1708
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 7/5/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-This is somewhat random but we have had the request (multiple times) to add some sort of option to show/hide adjustments that a CPA makes to the financials. Basically, adilas tracks things very literal and exact. However, many CPA’s want to adjust different entries or accounts for different reasons. These adjustments are used for taxes but sometimes owners and managers want to see what is real vs. what shows up. In a way, it is almost like two sets of books. The suggestion from the users is to add a non-counting day and then be able to pull reports with or without that extra day. The problem is you can’t just add a day to any given year. I think that the answer is in a concept called “standalone declarations”. Maybe those entries could have a special flag for “real” or “tax only” purposes. These entries don’t exist yet but in theory, they would be standalone entries that get mapped to specific areas or sub areas of the financials. The reason for the name is – they (the declarations) are made but potentially not supported by anything else in the system. Thus the name “standalone declarations.” Other notes have already been recorded on this subject. The concept of an additional date may be done by allowing a general date vs. a real physical date. For example: A general date may be something like – in 2013 or in May 2013 vs. 5/20/13 (physical). Just ideas.
-Little things can add up to great values. Today I was picking up trash while looking for my son’s pocket knife. He lost his knife last night at the 4th of July celebration. As long as I was looking for his knife (an hour) I decided to pick up some trash. By the end I had a bulging pocket full of trash. It reminded me of a talk I heard from Elder M. Russell Ballard of the quorum of the twelve Apostles called “Finding Joy Through Loving Service”. It had a story about a miner/prospector that was looking for gold. He didn’t find any nuggets. Finally, an older miner told him to collect the little flecks of gold instead. Even though they were small, they amounted to great worth. Just like the small pieces of trash in my pocket.
I did find the knife that I was looking for but I also learned some great lessons along the way. I’m very grateful for tons and tons of tiny lessons along the way!
-On emailing invoices – We want a simple invoice with links to view the eCommerce invoice, auto login, and do more backend features. We would also like to add links to shop for more products. Basically, help the people do some advertising. They (our users or clients) may also want options for CC’s (carbon copy) for multiple email addresses.
-In a way, admin corp-wide settings (hidden) are almost like corporation permissions in a way.
-On ICC’s (Internal Cost Corrections) – We may want to include invoice classifications. These are corp specific categories for their invoices. That way, you could quickly go see any and all ICC invoices.
-On emailing invoices – We could pass along the corp key id, the customer id, and the invoice number. We could also pass along a hash value for security. The hash could be a mix of the other three values. That way we could check for hacks.