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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 8/13/2013 6:53 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1236
Template/Type: Daily Ideas
Title/Caption: Daily Ideas
Start Date: 5/14/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

-If we are talking roll call and cross tying main players together… it sure would be nice to cross tie invoices, deposits, expense/receipts (line items), and PO’s to user-maintained balance sheet items. This would help the roll call… on both sides of the fence. Tell the story and create the relationships.
-On web settings per part number… We may need a field that indicates whether or not partial product quantities are allowed. For example: say you have a product that is an each or quantity of 1. What happens if the customer wants to buy 1.5, 1.25, 0.75, etc. That creates a problem. At the same point, we have other products that allow partials. Say you have a product that is sold by the ounce or by the pound. Decimals are needed at that level.
-Maybe we could check for “each” (unit of measure) and then force to an integer or non-decimal value.