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Color Code: Green
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 8/13/2013 6:41 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 1214
Template/Type: Daily Tasks
Title/Caption: Daily Tasks
Start Date: 5/15/2013
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -
click to enlarge - photo by: Shannon Scoffield -

• On the phone with Steve. We talked quite a bit about his (Steve’s) market plan. We would like to focus on the Denver, CO area. We would also like to focus on computer people and people who already know business and bookkeeping. The people who have computer, business or bookkeeping skills are able to hit the ground running. We can help train others, but it takes more work. Steve would also like to teach some classes that focus on business and steps to success in business. This will help us show what we can do for your business or company. We also talked about different pricing models and doing a standard shared cloud, semi-private cloud, and full private cloud models. This deals with how many other companies are on the same server. We talked a lot about how we, as a company, need to pull back a level and coordinate things at the server level. We talked about custom code and even pushing our existing structure to the next levels. This would be in-line custom code, show/hide fields, defaults, sort orders, naming conventions, flow, and even custom database tables, and an API to help let our users consume things however they want. Great stuff! The other thing we talked about was including some other associates in our next team meeting. We talked about possible dates in July for our next major team meeting.
• On the phone with a client. They are looking for some help or training. They have been running on a minimal set of skills. All they need is some help and training to get going in the right direction.
• Emails and tech support.
• Bank stuff, emails, and recording hours.
• Light brainstorming on ideas for new silver permissions.
• Added the new user permission to the news and updates page. It is the hide costs and profit permission.
• Signing off on the hide costs and profits permission.
• Working on eCommerce. Showing the cart or the web view cart page.