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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/26/2012 4:38 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
Actual/Real Value: 0.00  
Time Id: 417
Template/Type: Coding Ideas & Things To Do
Title/Caption: Time & Reports - Mini pop-up window or calendar icon and data overlay
Start Date: 7/26/2012
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

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This is divided into two main sections. One is a mini popup window that is tied to the main elements of time calendar. The other is a mini icon of a calendar that allows for any data to be displayed in the calendar type report.

Option 1. Mini popup window... Maybe have a mini time pop-up version from the calendar and time slot view... show notes and other important info. Then again, it might be just as easy to have them click to see the full details. This was just an idea.

Option 2. Icon and mini calendar page where any system data could be overlaid on top of a calendar... What if we had a calendar icon at the top of the page (by the view cart or customer queue icon). It would be a general calendar in mini for the year or the current month plus the next two months (by default). It would have a from month and from year and a to month and a to year option. It would have a link or a button to overlay any other data on it... The overlay section would allow a user to select what data they wanted to see on the calendar. It might require more than one step but would allow for grouped and detailed results. The main difference is all of the data would show-up in a calendar view or with a calendar overlay (visual structure). You could even make a point and click interface for what should show on the report. The report would then have drill-down links to the underlying details or reports by day.

More ideas for option 2... The basic settings could have a basic date range (from month/year and to month/year). It could also have a three way basic choice of what to see. The default would be a "general or blank calendar" (open or unfilled) with dates (months and days). The other options would be "my personal calendar" and "advanced - data overlay". The my calendar option would return the date rage range with only items that were assigned to the current user. The advanced - data overlay option would take the user to a new page and walk through a small process to virtually ask "what do you want to show on the calendar?". The advanced settings may be a couple of steps depending on what they want to see. The idea there is to choose an application type (time, invoices, po’s, e/r’s, deposits, quotes, parts, customers, vendors, etc.). The next step would show all of the possible fields and then prompt for any filters.

The little icon and mini calendar (2 of the 3 pieces) were launched on 9/14/12. The advanced calendar overlay is still under construction, but the other sections were launched.