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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Stephen Berkenkotter
Created Date/Time: 7/20/2012 12:02 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
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Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
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Time Id: 397
Template/Type: Coding Ideas & Things To Do
Title/Caption: B.S.I. & PO's - Balance sheet challenge - Special line items
Start Date: 7/20/2012
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

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On the PO side we need special lines that are not inventory and hit Expenses ...... such as Freight and Shipping or Discount.

Here are some ideas for the record... 1. We could add some new corp-wide settings to the special line items on how to play on PO's. 2. We could allow for more than one way to categorize the PO payments. This is kinda weird because we are talking about PO payments but the real issue is the E/R line items that have the different expense types and the tie-in to the correct PO numbers.

Anyways, one idea would be to virtually gather up the special line items and hold them in a special spot (virtual holding place or account) until they get correctly booked on an expense/receipt. Once they get correctly booked, they could be moved from the virtual to the main. The trick here is knowing what is what and what has been successfully recorded in the correct place. Not impossible but it could be a little tricky...

Another idea is to transfer the payables burden to an E/R or a split instead of a PO. How this would work is as soon as the PO was entered. It could make an E/R for the correct expense types. It would virtually pay off the PO and leave the new E/R as unpaid. That way, the vendor still shows that they need to get paid. The PO would be shown as paid, but the real value was transferred over to splits instead of PO's. It might sound more complicated but it would solve the disconnect we are experiencing right now. Maybe we could even add a quick link that said something like "book it" and it would flip it from the PO level to the split level with all of the correct assignments. Virtually help the user get things going in the right direction. Anyways, just some ideas... :)